It’s that day again… – IOTW Report

It’s that day again…

35 Comments on It’s that day again…

  1. Don’t forget to throw her body in a trunk after it’s dismembered! You know, if Einhorn had truly cared about “Mother Earth” he would have composted her or at least buried the body.

    Also, if you goggle him, he’s labeled a “Peace Activist”. No bias!

  2. It’s also Lenin’s birthday, so what does that tell you. Unhappy erf day to you, unhappy erf day to you, the liberals all live in a zoz and they all smell like zoo poo two. I’ll be doing my part today by driving around delivering flowers and polluting the environment with so called greenhouse gases. And maybe I’ll throw in a fart or two just because.

  3. When it comes to hoisting a middle finger to the enviro-wackos, I got you all beat.
    My parents reproduced and the product of that union (moi) was BORN on this day in 1962.
    I claimed April 22 way before the greenies did. They culturally appropriated my day!

  4. So far I have had Earth Day emails from my bank and a company I bough some shaving supplies from.

    The only good thing I ever got out of Earth Day was on the first one. Everyone at my school went out and cleaned up around a creak. My teacher that I went out with wore a pair of nice, tight pants. That was worth it.

  5. @AbigailAdams
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Today’s your birthday……It’s my birthday too!
    April 22 was my birthday before it was taken over by the greenies!


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