It’s Time To Start Treating Mexico Like A Hostile Foreign Power – IOTW Report

It’s Time To Start Treating Mexico Like A Hostile Foreign Power


Earlier this week, suspected Mexican drug cartel gunmen fired on U.S. Border Patrol agents in Texas, who fired back. This took place on a strip of land in the middle of the Rio Grande called Fronton Island, also known as “Cartel Island” because it was previously used as a staging area for cartel smuggling operations. Texas authorities took over the island as part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star and declared it Texas territory in November 2023.

The incident illustrates why it’s time to start treating Mexico as a hostile foreign power that represents a direct threat to the American homeland — not just for the way the Mexican state has facilitated and encouraged illegal immigration, but also because it has allowed the cartels to take control of vast swaths of Mexican territory, infiltrate the Mexican government at the highest levels, and carry out sophisticated operations on both sides of the Rio Grande. more here

13 Comments on It’s Time To Start Treating Mexico Like A Hostile Foreign Power

  1. cato

    I’m pals with our NorCal Sheriff. A rather rural community. Very conservative. We talk monthly. His main concern for for safety of the citizens in our county has always been the Cartels. We lost a deputy about ten years ago at the hands of the Cartel. He doesn’t get much help from the state. Some from the feds. I expect that to change with Trump at the helm.

  2. For anyone paying attention, Mexico has always treated the US as a hostile neighbor. There was that little incident in the 19th Century of the US invading and annexing about half of Mexico. You know, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Utah, and parts of Colorado & Wyoming. So, they do have an axe to grind.

    However they never really controlled that are, just claimed it. And it’s ours now, so if they want it back, they are gonna have to fight. I consider their invasion and economic plunder in that light. Low intensity warfare.


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