Ivanka and Megyn Spotted Together at 4 Seasons – IOTW Report

Ivanka and Megyn Spotted Together at 4 Seasons

Ivanka Trump and Megyn Kelly were spotted having a get-together at The Four Seasons.

Good news? Bad news? Good idea? Bad idea?

It’s not exactly sitting in a private plane on the tarmac, but…

ht/ Rob e.


32 Comments on Ivanka and Megyn Spotted Together at 4 Seasons

  1. I’m thinking there’s a possibility of one last big volley of shit the DNC is going to try and throw at the Trump campaign and in light of recent event Kelly is actually trying to do some due diligence.

  2. I think Ten-Ten nailed it.

    And Ivanka would have said something like…
    “Sorry, Megyn, but it’s too little, too late.
    We Trumps are fiercely loyal to our dad, and you tried to screw him over.
    So guess what?
    Payback’s a bitch !! “

  3. I for one had no idea what the 4 seasons was until I looked it up.
    Yes, I have heard the word before.
    It’s a musical group? Well that ain’t it.
    It’s a hotel and resort. Maybe
    It’s a rich people restaurant. I bet that’s it.
    I just assumed it was a stand alone swanky restaurant.
    I guess this is common knowledge, but I live on a dairy farm.

  4. “my father would like you to be ambassador in a mid east nation. The nations where women actually have problems with pedophilia and rape, etc. You know, the countries Clinton takes money from? Yeah, them”

  5. Jeepers Banjo Bil, you must be as old as me. For the youngsters here who may not know, a tinker’s dam is something, usually damp earth, used to contain molten lead while the tinker (tinsmith) soldered whatever he was working on. Something of little or no value
    And you’re right, who gives a flip in the larger scheme of things but it is a curiosity.

  6. I caught only snippets of Kelly’s Friday show (after the Comey letter was released) and Kelly actually looked distraught to me. Like “I tried everything I could to get Hillary elected but now I see it was all futile.” Fuck her.
    I was on board the Kelly train at first, when it looked like she was really for squeezing corruption out of government, and she really could be good, but now I see someone who has a different agenda than honesty in government.

  7. Megyn is groveling. Ivanka is being way too magnanimous.
    BTW, “I don’t give tinker’s dam” is what my grandmother would say when she really lost her patience. LOL, I say it myself sometimes.

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