I’ve Always Been a Misanthrope – This Confirms My Position – IOTW Report

I’ve Always Been a Misanthrope – This Confirms My Position

18 Comments on I’ve Always Been a Misanthrope – This Confirms My Position

  1. Her “crying all night” seems to have been only for herself and not for her husband since the first thing she does is post “selfies” for attention. That is a very strange thing to do.

    Sick, indeed Claudia. Sick with an enormous amount of self-centeredness and probably very litte empathy for others.

  2. Oh, good Lord!! I just realized it was a video. Worse than I originally imagined. She is wicked and despicable. I hope she gets the type of attention she really deserves.

  3. We are living in the Age of Narcissism.

    Teenage girls (and boys, or whatever) no longer write their secrets in carefully guarded diaries. Instead they broadcast every aspect of their lives on social media…and they don’t stop when they grow up…because they don’t grow up.

    Obama, our Narcissist-in-Chief, showed us the way. Everything was, and remains, about him. I, me, my and mine were, and are, the most common words in his vocabulary.

    The term “self-aware” went from meaning an understanding of one’s place in society (that you are not the center of the universe) to meaning an understanding and appreciation of one’s self (that you are the center of the universe). It is “self” centered.

  4. Meh. I’ve seen grieving people do all sorts of things. This lacks context, I don’t know him, don’t know her, don’t know how long it’s been or what stage of grief this is. Maybe he was the sole earner (probably) and she’s about to lose that nice house along with everything else that kept her, and this is just a reaction to being overwhelmed with going from wealthy and married to broke and alone in one short death.

    Or maybe she’s just an asshole.

    Not saying she doesn’t suck for being weirdly inappropriate, but people who suicide suck too because that’s a pretty selfish act that leaves a lot of broken people in its wake, and a complete abdication of responsibility on the part of the suicidee. And let me tell you that someone always has to find the corpse, and finding the person your life centered around dead by their own hand suddenly isn’t the best way to start the day; and not everyone is used to seeing dead people at all, let alone someone they slept with unless they’re really bad at it.

    I’m pretty tired of people being jerks like this lady seems to be, true, but I’m pretty tired of people saying life’s too hard and so laying it down without a fight also. If dude sacked up and took care of business, we wouldn’t be sitting here subjected to his wife’s bad dancing and poor taste in tunes, would we? Get a divorce, get a different job, get a new life, SOMETHING, dude. Living well is the best revenge. Dying without dignity isnt.

    I don’t see any reason to like either one of the people represented here on this brief acquaintance.

    Not the living
    And not the isn’t.

    …of course, he may have had something on Hillary, which is always a game changer suicide-wise. Sure is a nice house, nicht wahr?

    In which case, the chick may be dancing for her life, knowing Hillary is watching and will be VERY displeased if she sees someone disrespecting her, eh, “body” of work…

  5. Sadly, I have a niece like that. Her husband hanged himself while she watched and she loves to reap the pity she receives. She drove that poor bastard to do it and then pretends to wonder why he did. I have minimal interaction with her. She’s nuttier than squirrel shit.

  6. Does anyone remember Michelle Carter, the girl convicted of convincing her boyfriend to kill himself?

    I mean, we got some very weird energy going on here….

  7. SNS – The lyric is “show me the way to get my life again.”

    Grief doesn’t usually turn one into a complete asshole. It can, to a degree. But not to this extent.

    This one is mentally ill- and I do not fault her as much as anyone who encourages her in the comments.

    Those are bigger assholes – the “you go girl” shitstains that are so prevalent on social media.

  8. BFH
    THURSDAY, 16 MAY 2024, 10:14 AT 10:14 AM

    First, I’m not excusing or defending anything. I don’t know her or her situation well enough to do so. As I said, I don’t know if she’s sinner or Saint, my only point is that if you don’t know a person, you don’t know what they’re going through or how they cope or don’t cope.

    “SNS – The lyric is “show me the way to get my life again.””

    …other than being bouncy, how different is it from “Tell me how to live without you” or “How do I live without you”? No. I personally wouldn’t think uptempo is the way to go, but then I don’t belong to The Current Year. I don’t think the kids HAVE mourning songs now, but I’m not going to listen to modern “music” long enough to find out.

    “Grief doesn’t usually turn one into a complete asshole. It can, to a degree. But not to this extent.

    This one is mentally ill”

    …and those things may be related.

    The death of a loved one can break you mentally. Hence you don’t know WHAT a person would do.

    I could give examples of strangers I knew for 15 minutes professionally that I half remember 30 years later, but I have more recent and personal experiences to draw from.

    My sister was totally invested in her husband. He had a great job so she became a housewife, dropped a couple of daughters, settled in for a storybook life. She even changed religions for him, she was so smitten with everything he was. Then his heart packed it in 20 odd years ahead of schedule and her world was knocked off its axis, having to scramble to get a job, arrange for care for my nieces, dump the humugous house she could no longer afford to live in, and by the way have the love of her life transported home and arrange his funeral. She never married or even dated again, and didn’t become a dancing loon, but she adopted this Mary Sunshine persona where she smiled harder and faker than Barbie while choking back tears in front of her kids so much it was painful to watch. She survived and made enough of a life to send them both through college, but the scars are as deep as the perma smile is a front. But you’d have to know her to know how completely it messed her up.

    Then there’s my wife’s cousin. I’m sure I’ve mentioned her here before. She became a medic on the Left Coast, saved a life, decided she liked it, and built herself into a full RN just as fast as she could take and pass the courses, abd was good at it too. Then her own kid died in the shower in her house while she was making him dinner, despite her truly heroic efforts to bring him back. He’d probably been down too long, a thing I know well, but her Mom half couldn’t listen to her Nurse half. She didn’t get happy or anything but she put nursing and medicine down that day and only picked it up one other time to help me save my own son’s life for which I thank God, but that’s a different story for another day.

    Then there’s a woman I work with who got up into the First Responder program we had at work. Her deceased mother had been a nurse and she was liking our little bandaid thing so much she was thinking about following in her footsteps, if she could square it with her brand of Judaism that she was gung-ho about so much that she refused to work Saturdays, went to week long retreats, the whole enchilada,
    or gefilte fish as the case may be. She was good and I knew I could call on her to help with female patients, particularly Muzzies that didnt want a male touching them. Then her dad got terminally sick and she became his caregiver. I don’t know the whole story that happened but at home the “terminally” part trumped her CPR and she laid down her religion and her interest in helping the sick and injured before she came back, apparently for good.

    I myself don’t react or mourn in a “standard” way. Life’s beaten me into a mold where I only lick my wounds in private. I just don’t do tears running down my face and uncontrollable sobbing in public, especially if there’s work to be done. Doesn’t mean it isn’t tearing me up inside, it just means I’m not going to let the WORLD see it. I had to carry my mother’s coffin into the church she raised me in recently, holding the runner on her casket in the very aisle in which she once held my hand. This after we spent months losing her a piece at a time, during which I took responsibility for her DNR and had to stand back at her deathbed myself against EVERYTHING inside me. You think THAT was easy? It was not, but I had a job to do and I wasn’t going to let anyone, not even my own family, see it on my face. Some may have interpreted that as “being an asshole”,not shedding a single tear for my own mother, if they saw me and did not know me, do not know how I’ve had to choke back emotions in the face of death most of my adult life, how I had to shove all that into a different compartment to remain a functional human being. But none of those people saw me later when there were no more duties to perform and no more mourners to commiserate and I could go off somewhere alone and scream out my pain in peace. I couldn’t even vent here because it was coming out in inappropriate threads where it was not welcome, so only my immediate family saw me I. real, raw pain, and I held back even from them. Doesn’t mean the pain wasn’t there and isn’t there still, just means it was my nature to keep it off my sleeve.

    All of that is again to say this. Different people react to death differently for reasons of their own, and it isn’t for me who doesn’t know them to say what way is “right”. If this chick is still doing her happy dance a month later then yes, I’m gonna be pretty sure she’s an ass, but if this is a fresh wound I’m going to cut her some slack until the bleeding is at least under control.

    HooHooNayNay above can probably vouch for a particular type of emotional reaction often seen at the death of a long-suffering terminal patient.


    Some folks are so sick it seems a cruelty that they keep living, and these folks are often a crushing burden on their loved ones in their last days. There can indeed be a relief that one went on to be with the Lord and shed their pain-wracked body, but it’s also a relief to the family member caregiver that they are now truly in the Lord’s hands and not their own. This is followed by guilt for feeling relief, and then the fronting begins anew.

    There’s much more that could be said, but this is way into TL:DNR already and this isn’t my blog to take over. But it’s late in the thread and I felt like my position needed a bit of clarification as to why I don’t necessarily think outward dancing means there’s no inward pain. Could be, maybe she hated him, maybe she even killed him or made him kill himself, IDK. But I also don’t want to get into the Current Year trap of judging people based on an impulsive 10 second TikTok video.

    Thank God they didn’t exist when I was a kid. The ones I would have made as an earlier version of me would probably have made me suicidal if they were known to everyone who present me associates with.

    I think the real villain here is the availability of impulsive self-shaming via social media.

    People were never meant to mass communicate at neural speeds and it shows.

    This is one example.

    See the Internet for billions of others…


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