James Comey – The Deep State “Zealot” – IOTW Report

James Comey – The Deep State “Zealot”

The Body Language Ghost observed James Comey spouting the usual tripe to the press after his second grilling before the House. The former head of the FBI came off not as a man being unfairly persecuted, but as a religious fanatic who believes so completely in his big gov religion that he will lie, cheat and slander to protect it. Here

7 Comments on James Comey – The Deep State “Zealot”

  1. I love his admitting he decided to take advantage of his new boss (Trump) by sending agents to interview Flynn – he just gave DJT a get out jail free card as the reason he was fired

  2. He’s getting cocky now that his buddies are coming to cover for him in Congress next January. I think Txn4Evr has it right. It’s the only way. Otherwise, he’ll be right back in the catbird seat with the next Dem administration.


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