James Woods – A Conservative National Treasure – IOTW Report

James Woods – A Conservative National Treasure

There is no heart attack machine, because if it existed James Woods would be seen clutching his chest and hitting the deck.

Joy Reid asked a question on Twitter. This was Woods’ answer-


26 Comments on James Woods – A Conservative National Treasure

  1. Woods is priceless.

    He trains his sharp wit against the Left’s half-wits.

    And his voiceover work as Hades in the Hercules animated series? Best evah.

    Quite a guy.

  2. Odin 2013 @ Joy Reid is a leftist, black female racist who works at MSNBC and The Daily Beast. She recently stated that Americans are like “a pack of Warlords.” A real honey.

  3. Joy Reid is a extremely slow witted individual who because of racial politics has managed to find herself on a nightly news broadcast. And because of that position she is under the delusion that she can cobble together a rational thought.

  4. Today Chelsea Clinton tweeted:
    “No one should have to worry about loved ones in a house of worship, a nightclub, a school or at a concert.”

    James Woods responded:
    “Or in a womb.”

    He is priceless!

  5. I never liked James much as an actor, until an actress decided to rake him over the coals. Sean Young, I think. The way he fought her, made me respect him. I can’t even remember the details.

  6. Back in the 1950’s my buddy and I stopped off to see his great grandfather.
    Big beautiful house each room had a hidden shotgun in a custom made wood panel.
    You push it and it opens to reveal a shotgun and shells
    Under his pillow was a .45 locked and loaded. He was a captain in the military.
    Toughest man I have ever met. Walked around with a .45 strapped to hip at home.
    Trusted no one.

  7. Some Asshole breaks into my house at nite…………I’m hiding in the closet………til the wife runs outa ammo!!! She really values her privacy!!! I ain’t dying of “friendly fire” !!! yuk yuk

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