James Woods Tweet – IOTW Report

15 Comments on James Woods Tweet

  1. Wonderful, simply fantastic. Love James Wood. Isn’t it great that the Clintons may finally have been brought down because of an obnoxious, perverted, deviant, disgraced Arsehole? You might say that they met their Weinerloo! Thank you Mr. Woods.

  2. I’ve commented before that I’ve been waiting for Andrew Breitbart to pull the pin from the other side. Breitbart is here and he just did.

    Wild to think about that it was Andrew who first exposed Weiner’s weiner. And God has the best sense of humor EVER!

  3. “the Clintons may finally have been brought down because of an obnoxious, perverted, deviant, disgraced Arsehole?” You besides Bill and Hillary themselves Marco.

    They must roll in snake oil every morning to have managed to slip out of every snare they have stepped into but maybe their luck has finally run out and they’ll get what’s coming to them.

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