January 6th Committee Investigate Everything but January 6th – IOTW Report

January 6th Committee Investigate Everything but January 6th


The House Select Committee established to probe the Capitol riot is not interested in probing the Capitol riot.

According to a Federalist analysis of the 84 subpoenas publicly issued by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Select Committee on Jan. 6, only 8 have targeted individuals or groups with any connection to the Capitol riot. The rest have taken aim at former government officials and private citizens in a smear campaign for exercising their constitutional right to protest. More

4 Comments on January 6th Committee Investigate Everything but January 6th

  1. Wrong

    They are only going after the voters who destroyed GWB’s daddy 43 years ago. For instance; they are not going after GWB’s BFF Karl Marx! Not going after GWB’s BFF Mitch. If you are a leftist “Bush Republican” you are safe!

    Since I helped embarrass GHWB 43 years ago, i am not safe. Butat my age, so what!

  2. Mean while Americans are trapped and rotting in Washington’s Bastille Prison. This is a shit stain on the democrats and our DOJ that will never wash off.

  3. @Deplorable Second Class January 21, 2022 at 6:29 pm

    > Mean while Americans are trapped and rotting in Washington’s Bastille Prison. This is a shit stain on the democrats and our DOJ that will never wash off.

    But it proves what courageous heroes American patriots are. For their “restraint” in not storming the Columbian Bastille. And freeing… oh. never mind.

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