Japan: Alleged Serial Killer Murdered, Dismembered Suicidal People He Met on Twitter – IOTW Report

Japan: Alleged Serial Killer Murdered, Dismembered Suicidal People He Met on Twitter

Breitbart: Japan’s government is considering new measures to contain social media-driven violence after the arrest of a man found keeping nine bodies in his home — individuals he allegedly killed after expressing a desire to commit suicide on Twitter.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey also faced calls to limit potentially violent speech on Twitter during a visit to Japan this week.

Police arrested Takahiro Shiraishi on October 31 after finding the dismembered remains of nine people in his apartment in Zama, Kanagawa. According to the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun, Shiraishi told police, “I severed the body in my apartment and put it in a cooler … to conceal evidence that I killed the person.”

Law enforcement officials said he was keeping three coolers and several boxes full of body parts in his apartment, attempting to cover the smell of the decomposing remains with cat litter. The attempt, one neighbor told Asahi, failed, and the halls outside his apartment suffered “an extremely pungent smell that [he] had never experienced.”

The Japan Times reports that Shiraishi, 27, “worked in the sex industry as a tout.”

Police revealed this week that Shiraishi allegedly used Twitter, following the Japanese-language “suicide recruitment” hashtag, to target suicidal people to kill. His final victim, a 23-year-old woman, had taken to Twitter to discuss her desire to die, posting, “I’m looking for someone to die with me.”  read more

9 Comments on Japan: Alleged Serial Killer Murdered, Dismembered Suicidal People He Met on Twitter


    Prisoners should be given the option, and after counseling, so should everyone else: the sick, elderly, troubled, homeless, mentally ill.

    Ok fine. Let’s just give them a manual to go find their own hemlock recipe and they can do everything themselves. Feel better now?

  2. joe6pak:
    Tout – NOUN
    1. a person soliciting custom or business, typically in an aggressive or bold manner.
    2. a person who offers racing tips for a share of any resulting winnings.
    3. an informer.

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