Javelin Anti-Tank Missile – IOTW Report

Javelin Anti-Tank Missile

17 Comments on Javelin Anti-Tank Missile

  1. We make some really good shit to protect our Infantry…

    America is a nation that cares about every single soldier and every single soldier cares about the other soldiers in the same trench.

    That is what makes Anerica so great.

    The JAT was made a tank killer, it will become a Putin killer.

  2. Very impressive. I did read one account that said the Javelin Anti-Tank Missile worked off a battery pack, and that if the batteries are not kept charged the missile stops working. If the Ukrainians had been sent more of these Javelin Missiles before the Russians invaded, it might have made a real difference, but the Russians are not going to be deterred by the loss of a few hundred tanks and armored personnel carriers. They are going to overwhelm the Ukrainians with massive artillery, rockets, and air power. This is going to make the 1956 Hungarian Revolution look like a minor human tragedy.

  3. Were there scenes from jarhead or hurt locker or some such imbedded in that presentation?

  4. Well the M-I-C is finally getting to sell more weapons under the president who is saving the soul of the nation. This can get out of hand quickly esp with two dimwits running two nuclear giants. I’m hoping for a sane general to take out Putin; not as far fetch as you think

  5. “Of course Putin may decide to take the rest of us with himโ€ฆ”

    It’s amazing how unafraid people like myself are about the possibility of WW3.

    That’s what being saved by Jesus will do for you.

  6. Assuming these were left behind in Afghanistan, the Russians are already developing jamming technology to defeat them. But Joey knew that before he left them behind.

  7. From what I have seen thus far from the Russian military I am not impressed. Either Putin used these guys as cannon fodder or his military is facing severe financial cut backs. His air force is practically non existent in Ukraine. Being the suspicious type as I am and Putin being the snake that he is I can’t help but think he has an ulterior strategy in the works. Perhaps he is using his lesser trained troops so as to not look like a blood thirsty war lord, knowing that those captured will be released after he takes Ukraine. The ones that get killed are of no consequence to him anyway. Never trust that cock sucker.

  8. Putin sells his oil globally. Sanctions wont stop his assault on the Ukraine.
    He’s using his “B” team military to weaken Ukraine first. He’s also feeling out the resolve of UN and American threats of military involvement. Threats of sanctions are weakness from his perspective. He’s watching Biden prop up Iran while we play character assassination games against Russia. Meanwhile, western Europe needs Putin’s oil. The Ukraine is toast, the sacrificial lamb of this Easter.

  9. Dadof4
    MARCH 3, 2022 AT 8:19 AM
    โ€Itโ€™s amazing how unafraid people like myself are about the possibility of WW3.

    Thatโ€™s what being saved by Jesus will do for you.”

    ..that is true, Dadof4, that’s like what the song “Threaten Me With Heaven” is about.


    …here is a passage from “Quo Vadis”, as Peter extorts Christians in prison as they await their turn to be sacrificed at Nero’s Games…

    “Ye sow in weeping so that ye may reap in joy. Why then fear the power of evil? Above the Earth, above Rome, above the walls of the city is the Lord who dwells with you. The stones will be wet with tears, the sands will be saturated with blood, the valleys will be filled with your bodies; but I say unto you ye will come back victorious. The Lord will conquer this city of crime, oppression, and haughtiness, and ye are his legions. As He has redeemed with torture and blood this nest of of unrighteousness, He lets you know this through my lips.”
    -“Quo Vadis”, Henry Altemus, 1897.

    …and the Word of God is always best…

    “55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

    56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

    57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
    1 Corinthians 15:55-57.

    I’ve seen Death in all ages, all races, and both sexes. I’ve seen people die when they were expecting Death and people die when Death jumps them while they’re playing basketball. I’ve pulled Death out from behind toliets and seen Death squeeze the intestines out of a baby in its mother’s arms. I’ve seen Death rip people apart and Death leave their 90 year old bodies lie peacefully in bed. I’ve seen Death take my father and stalk my son. I’ve had Death playfully nibble my heels many times just to get the taste before he opens wide to consume my body.

    But the one thing I’ve NEVER seen Death do is leave someone alone.

    Death is guaranteed. King or knave, powerful or peasant, rich or poor, Death will take you, 100%.

    Your body is NOT getting out alive.

    “Fates, we will know your pleasures:
    That we shall die, we know; ’tis but the time
    And drawing days out, that men stand upon.”
    -Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar”.

    “Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep โ€“

    To sleep โ€“ perchance to dream. Ay, thereโ€™s the rub.

    For in that sleep of death what dreams may come

    When we have shuffled off this mortal coil

    Must give us pause. Thereโ€™s the respect

    That makes calamity of so long life.”
    -Shakespeare, “Hamlet”, Act III, Scene I

    You’re gonna die.

    It doesn’t matter one whit if you’re cut off by a random clot or vaporized in nuclear Armageddon.

    You WILL die.

    In body.

    ..if you want your SPIRIT to live on, unkillable, unconquerable, unkillable, and eternal, that is the freely given gift of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Fear what Putin or Pedo or a million other politicians may do,

    Or have no fear because all they can do is send you to Glory beside your Lord.

    It’s your choice.

  10. …also, this.

    “Tigranes Levantus: If you looked into a magic crystal, you saw your army destroyed and yourself dead. If you saw that in the future, as I’m sure you’re seeing it now, would you continue to fight?
    Spartacus: Yes.
    Tigranes Levantus: Knowing that you must lose?
    Spartacus: Knowing we can. All men lose when they die and all men die. But a slave and a free man lose different things.
    Tigranes Levantus: They both lose life.
    Spartacus: When a free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is the only freedom a slave knows. That’s why he’s not afraid of it. That’s why we’ll win.”
    -“Sparticus”, 1960.

    …as we spiral down into tyranny, keep this in mind.

    You have nothing to lose but your chains.

    “O Death the Healer, scorn thou not, I pray, To come to me: of cureless ills thou art The one physician. Pain lays not its touch Upon a corpse.”

    …they can only hurt you until they can’t.

    Remember that.

  11. @Dadof4 March 3, 2022 at 8:19 am

    > Itโ€™s amazing how unafraid people like myself are about the possibility of WW3.

    And multitudes of people, very unlike you.

    > Thatโ€™s what being saved by Jesus will do for you.

    Multitudes who don’t believe in your “savior”.

    They just don’t like Satan. Moloch? Baal? Who’s on first, today?

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