Jaw-Dropping Number Of Inmates In Women’s Prisons Are Actually Men – IOTW Report

Jaw-Dropping Number Of Inmates In Women’s Prisons Are Actually Men

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday barring biological males — who account for 15% of inmates in women’s federal prisons — from occupying women’s federal detention facilities.

The order, which prohibits federal funds for gender transition medical procedures, drugs and treatment, mandates that the federal government only recognize male and female sexes and requires inmates to be housed according to their biological sex. Of the 10,047 total inmates in women’s federal facilities, 1,538 are biological males, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP).

“The Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security shall ensure that males are not detained in women’s prisons or housed in women’s detention centers,” the order reads. It adds that no federal funds shall be expended for “any medical procedure, treatment, or drug for the purpose of conforming an inmate’s appearance to that of the opposite sex.” more here

21 Comments on Jaw-Dropping Number Of Inmates In Women’s Prisons Are Actually Men

  1. “15% of inmates”

    An incredible number, for sure.

    I would guess that transgenders in society are less than one percent, more so now since this particular mental disorder is celebrated, but still a low percentage.

    A natural assumption would be that men want to be housed in women’s prisons so they could have easy access to sex. but I think it has more to do with the fact that women are treated much better than men, in every aspect of our society. I bet they have better food, better accommodations, more exercise time, and are treated much better by the guards than their male counterparts in men’s prisons. And he does not have to worry about getting raped by an inmate…………unless it’s by another tranny.

  2. Winning! Well, unless you are a criminal or a mentally ill criminal or a criminal willing to do anything to avoid being buggered and Rogered to death- or even once. All of that was long hand for: Winning!

  3. This is just one example, among many, of how perverted and malevolent our culture exists under democrat rule. Every moral tenet gets turned on its head and nothing is objectively wrong or evil. When you put freaks, degenerates, and malcontents in charge, bad things happen.

  4. I think it is OK as long as they are physically castrated before going in. LOL… I have a 12 inch Henckle kitchen knife that I would gladly donate. It cuts parchment paper without a single tear.

  5. “…they don’t need to worry about getting jumped by the rest of the population…”

    No doubt about it. I wonder how many of these clink trannies became women just before trial.

  6. “Jaw-dropping” eh? These days it doesn’t matter much whether you’re in a men’s prison or a women’s prison, but dropping your jaw either place might be mistaken for an invitation you’d rather not be offering.

  7. Women can be predatory, too. Not all those locked up female perps are happy to loose their resident chick with a…you know the thing.
    Seriously, We’ve been living in a lunatic, evil society for so long President Trump’s “Common Sense” agenda is a Godsend. The left and their minions will always be insane but at least now there are normal, moral standards in effect.


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