Jeb! falls to 6th in GOP field polling – IOTW Report

Jeb! falls to 6th in GOP field polling

Jeb Bush Tippy Toes


Fox News

[Ed. – Keep in mind, he still has by far the biggest organized war chest, with millions from the mega-donors.  And still he’s dropping dramatically.  This could be big.  He may actually not be inevitable.]

On the Democratic side, support for Vice President Joe Biden — who is still considering a run — has almost doubled since August.  But make no mistake: Hillary Clinton remains the frontrunner.



19 Comments on Jeb! falls to 6th in GOP field polling

  1. Give me a good reason to vote for Yeb other than he’s not Hillary, Bernie or Biden. if the GOPEE nominates him watch a lot more grass roots Republicans and conservatives stay at home and just say the hell with it. It’ll be worse than Romney losing in 2012. I can’t in good conscience vote for another establishment loser and I won’t hold my nose to vote for one either. Three names Dole, McCain, Romney all losers because they didn’t have the balls to stand up for anything except the establishment line. “I’m mad as Hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

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