Jeb!’s Six-Step Strategy to Salvage His Campaign – IOTW Report

12 Comments on Jeb!’s Six-Step Strategy to Salvage His Campaign

  1. I believe that is Bob Barr to Yeb’s! right. He’s from here in Georgia. I am ashamed.

    Just saw the episode of South Park about voting. Your choices are always the same. Massive Douche or Turd Sandwich.

    If public office, I won’t go so far as to say public service, weren’t so enormously profitable, we just might have better choices. I don’t see that changing in my lifetime.

  2. Corrupt media’s attempt to hide Trump’s rally attendance (30K in Biloxi last night) is a tell on how they are also hiding his true polling numbers. The people are so fed up with this gov’t and with anyone historically associated with it, Yeb! might just as well retire from politics and cut his losses. He’s not going to “win” anything. Anyone familiar with tipping points, critical mass, chain reactions or the dynamics of nuclear fission will recognize what is going on, on the Trump campaign trail.

    Who the heck is Yeb!, anyway? He’s an middling political dweeb who owes his occupation to his father and not to any spectacular successes in his own sphere of influence. He’s not admired. He doesn’t inspire. His only usefulness is to those who have bought and paid for him and I strongly suspect it is they and not bush who is trying to resurrect his campaign, hoping to recover their investment.

  3. But wait, when he finally gets Lindsey Graham to throw his support to him, he’ll skyrocket in the polls.

    Lord, what a fucking loser. The GOPe is clueless, utterly clueless. They’re pouring money down a rathole. I guess with trillions at stake, another 50 million seems like a good gamble.

    And AA, was that a great rally last night in MI or what? I agree with you that polls are underestimating Trump’s support. While he’s drawing 10 of 1,000s to his speeches, Jeb! is working basements.

  4. It was a real treat that Diamond and Silk opened the rally. Just love those two! And I do hope, as Trump suggested to them, that they are monetizing their time in the spotlight. Now, I’ve just got to come up with some kind of schtick to monetize — hahaha!

    I honestly believe (and I’m a sad sack realist) that Trump’s numbers are at least 20% (maybe even more) stronger than what the media are reporting. There’s much made recently about those who resist telling phone pollsters they are for Trump (but that doesn’t make sense to me) and how online anonymity gives him much higher polling numbers. Since he hasn’t done his own polling (and until he does) we may never know the true numbers. I think this is what the GOPe fears the most.

  5. Watched Yeb on Chris Wallace this Sunday morning and he came across as an arrogant prick. “I’m so entitled, ya know.” I’ll be happy when he clears the field along with liar Rubio and liar Kasich, not to mention lardo Christie.

  6. Don’t underestimate the power of terror and propaganda.
    The socialists will terrorize the ignorant, nose picking-masses who believe their lies by telling them that Mr. Trump will murder all the rat-people and force the feral ghetto dwellers to find work and the college-aimed dullards that Mr. Trump won’t pay their bills. They’ll terrorize the femiNazis that Mr. Trump will not allow them to murder their children with impunity and that he’ll make them take less money for fucking shit up like they usually do.
    The propaganda assault on the vast majority of people who just want to watch football and drink beer has already begun, and is similar to a low-frequency thumping in the background, with all the pundits and talking heads braying that Mr. Trump is a “divider” and “unelectable.”

    And it hasn’t really even yet begun.

    The Inter-National Socialists want either Clinton or Bush, because they know that the degradation and disintegration of America will continue to accelerate with either of them.

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