Jeff Flake Rushes To Chuck Schumer’s Defense – IOTW Report

Jeff Flake Rushes To Chuck Schumer’s Defense

Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake rushed to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s defense Wednesday after President Donald Trump blasted Schumer over his stance on immigration.

Trump slammed Schumer early Wednesday for his role in launching a program that reportedly allowed an extremist onto American soil. This led to a response from Flake in Schumer’s defense: [More at Daily Caller]

Jeff Flake


Actually, the Gang of 8, including @SenSchumer, did away with the Diversity Visa Program as part of broader reforms. I know, I was there 

SNIP: Woah! Hold on there, shifty…


The suspected foreign national terrorist behind the New York City attack that has left at least eight individuals dead came to the United States years ago through the Diversity Visa Lottery, a program that President Trump and pro-American immigration reformers have demanded an end to.

According to ABC New York, 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov — the man who allegedly mowed down pedestrians in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City — entered the U.S. in 2010 from Uzbekistan under the Diversity Visa Lottery before obtaining a Green Card.

The Diversity Visa Lottery gives out 50,000 visas every year to foreign nationals from a multitude of countries, including those with known terrorist problems – such as Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Yemen, and Uzbekistan.

Trump, though, along with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), has been calling for an end to the Diversity Visa Lottery program since August. Under the RAISE Act, introduced in February and endorsed by Trump in August, the Diversity Visa Lottery would be eliminated altogether. MORE @ Breitbart.

22 Comments on Jeff Flake Rushes To Chuck Schumer’s Defense

  1. Did I just hear Congressman Louie Gohmert say that Diversity Visas were enacted at the behest of Tip O’Neill in 1990 because he felt that not enough Irish were immigrating as opposed to the number of Mexicans?

    Louie is not always right but I’m pretty sure that is what I heard. I didn’t see Ireland on that list.

  2. and we listened to 8 track tapes in 1990 too…..the world is at war with radical Jihadists and we must dump all PC crap into the toilet…time to lock them out and build the damn wall already……

  3. The mkkkains and the flakes of the GOP cannot help themselves. They hack holes in the boat and tell us its for our own good and expect us to reward them with 6 more years.

  4. Since Congress is never willing ton what it takes to protect us, may I suggest a change to the name of their program: Win a Chance to Kill Innocents in America Lottery.

    With so many earnest, desirable people waiting years to legally become US citizens, this random, stupid, dangerous procedure should have a more appropriate name.

  5. Todays Quiz:

    Which scumbag, low life, dirtbag, jerkface, cretin should not have been allowed to live in the United States of America?

    A. Sayfullo Saipov
    B. Charles ‘Chuck’ Schumer
    C. All of the above

  6. Couldn’t see this coming. NYC press conference with deblasio and Cuomo contained lectures about not politicizing the incident. Then they both politicized it and blasted Trump.

    Then the discussion turned to gun control. How? Are we banning B.B. guns and paintball now?
    And of course the yadda yadda about how many peaceful muzzies there are in NY.
    Predictable. But still infuriating.

    Liberals are incapable of controlling themselves.

  7. Flake and Schumer “…did away with the Diversity Visa as part of a broader reforms…”

    Meaning that they nixed it as part of the shitty Comprensive Immigration Reform which they failed to pass. Right, Jeff?

  8. I realize that jackasses like Flake, and other ghouls in the Senate, are motivated by deep-seated ‘principles’ but didn’t obama teach us all that ELECTIONS MATTER?!
    Does he hear at all how real Americans think, the law-abiding, tax-paying, property-owning, military-serving, non-narcotic-addicted, not-closeted-deviant, eligible-to-legally-vote majority ???
    Drag him out of his limousine so he can get a big whiff off a industrial sized can of Whoop Ass.
    These Senators really need to feel some searing heat on their necks!

  9. So why isn’t Schumer (and Flake) being held on an “accessory to murder” charge?
    And every other fucking maggot who voted for this abortion?

    It’s called “accountability” or “responsibility.”

    It’s not an “unintended consequence” – it’s not an “unfortunate accident” – it is a premeditated, perfectly predictable outcome of an evil, sordid, self-serving destructive anti-American policy.

    Everyone who participated in this should be hanged.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Flake has nothing to lose so watch out for this snake for the rest of his term. He’s already lost the Republicans in his state else he wouldn’t be retiring so he doesn’t give a rats ass about the GOP, in fact I’d suggest he may be going for a job working for a Dem after he cleans out his desk. In any event he and Moore will be good object lessons to other squish GOP out there. Bannon’s coming for you.

  11. Flake, along with the other leftist mouthpieces, think they just have to use the Jedi hand wave to ‘make it so’. Idiots so willingly selling their souls and making it public. LMAO!

  12. The fact that these politicians try to justify the unconscionable, is just proof that they want to harm this country (and it’s people) by any means they deem necessary.

    Communism and fascism are the ‘new black’, and the American people are superfluous.

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