Jenner Not Comfortable With Taking Last Step – IOTW Report

Jenner Not Comfortable With Taking Last Step

Apparently Bruce Jenner’s journey to where ever he’s been going the last year is going to end short of theĀ ultimate destination.


In a recent interview, Jenner has indicated his discomfort with what he calls “gender confirmation surgery.”

So I’m going to keep referring to him as Bruce, because he still has the equipment to play on the side he was born to.


I guess he’s found the limit to which he’s willing to disfigure himself.

43 Comments on Jenner Not Comfortable With Taking Last Step

  1. It’s sad most Americans can name this train wreck by sight but can’t name their Senator or Congressman.
    Oh Lord, give us the leadership we need and not the leadership we deserve.

  2. He just wants more attention.
    I heard the Kardashians have become so attention deprived that they are considering wearing clothes and reading books just to get back in the news!

  3. Sounds like he’s involved in the transgender process, but just can’t commit.
    He’s in whut is known as the classic bacon & Eggs breakfast predicament. That’s where in the case of the eggs the chicken involved, whereas with the bacon the pig is committed!
    So if he does commit maybe Pigs-in-a-blanket will be for breakfast instead…

  4. So why is the LSM and the Left still calling him “she”? And “brave” (gag me with a spoon). If he’s so brave, let him go fight against ISIS. They’ll do his ā€œgender confirmation surgeryā€ for free. Right before they toss him off a building.

    Do that, Bruce, and maybe I’ll call you “brave”.


  5. Ummm… so do we need a few more letters:
    Transgender (with Penis) Tw
    Transgender (without penis) Two

    That GLBTQ (I know there’s more letters but I forgotten will change to:
    GLBTwTwoQ plus whatever I’ve missed. That 1.5 percent of the population seems to be using up more than their share of letters.

  6. So, he doesn’t have the balls to have his balls removed. He just wants to pretend that they’ve been removed. He’s still a male and will always be a male even if his balls were removed.

  7. Anyone else sick of this worthless piece of garbage? His gender identity defects are between his ears. He should whack off his head so the rest of the world doesn’t have to see or hear from it ever again. Gaaaaaaaack.

  8. If a person gets a wet taco when aroused, that’s a female. If a person gets a tent pole when aroused, that’s a male.

    No exceptions.

    Fake tacos don’t get wet. So… Never a female.

  9. His lack of commitment will likely save his life.
    All of this nonsense is the Lefto-Gay-O-Communist Overlords want to build a firewall between Gay and Mental disorder.
    If Gender assignation disease (whatever name they call it this week) is a Mental disorder, then what about Gayness? Couldn’t that be a disorder too?
    That is what is behind the real fight to normalize Transgender issues. They’re afraid that if being gay is actually a mental disorder, they lose exalted status and they can’t have that, now can they?
    The left will walk across all the bodies of the Bruce Jenner’s of the world to mainstream perversion.
    Those poor souls that are enabled by their idiot doctors deserve the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath: First do no harm.

  10. this mental pygmy will do anything to stay a minute more in the media spotlights….attention depraved whore…who cares what this old bag cuts or one worth his salt or her perfume would want to lay with this loser….go away Brucie…you have worn out your welcome in the USA. Seventy year olds plus have more improtant things to consider than what ails you, bitch.

  11. If there is a line at the women’s restroom his dick will get him into the men’s room. If there is not a line at the women’s restroom his boobs will get him into that room, which is usually plusher and more comfortable than the men’s room! Pays to swing both ways!!!!!

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