Jerry Nadler Says Antifa Riots In Portland Are ‘A Myth’ – IOTW Report

Jerry Nadler Says Antifa Riots In Portland Are ‘A Myth’

[…] Nadler was approached by journalist Austen Fletcher and asked if he disavowed the violent riots.

“It is true. There’s violence across the whole country,” Fletcher said. “Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—”

“That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler claimed without evidence.

“About Antifa in Portland?” Fletcher pressed.

“Yes—” Nadler once again claimed without evidence. MORE

35 Comments on Jerry Nadler Says Antifa Riots In Portland Are ‘A Myth’

  1. They (The DNC) know that TRUMP is going to win biggy. That is why they are prepping the excuse now and it goes like this. “See, Biden was ahead in all the polls but Trump won, because…..RUSSIA. See this is proof!”

    THAT will be their game for the next four years.

    Meanwhile, their brown shirt army will continue to be a pain in the ass everywhere there is a safe Democrat city to occupy.

  2. ^^^ There will be no safe democRAT cities.

    A nuther fat Communist pushing the BIG LIE!
    The face of the democRAT party and their agenda to destroy America!
    Aaaaaaaannnnnd when there is nothing on the shelves to buy that too will be a myth because these fat Commies will be well provided for!

  3. “That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler claimed….”
    More truth in that statement than anything this tard has ever said before.

  4. He was out of breath, holding himself up by the handrail, had bad neck sweat, could hardly get his feet into the car, looks like an upside down rolly polly….WTF?….What are they shooting these guys up with?….RBG, Pelosi, Biden, Schiff….FFS!…

  5. If ever we needed a compelling argument to bring back the hanging of traitors one needs only to point at this fat hunk of shit Nadler. Whoever voted for this evil troll should be disenfranchised from having the right to vote in any local, state, and federal election. The voters in his district are traitors to our country.

  6. “…Nadler has a long and disturbing history of …

    supporting and facilitating the release of some of America’s deadliest terrorists,…

    September 9, 1999, Nadler took to the floor for six and a half minutes and defended Clinton’s action ( In August of 1999, Bill Clinton offered clemency to 12 members of the notorious FALN) as well as the FALN itself, saying [[ there was no proof ]], even though at the time four of their members had been convicted of making bombs and a fifth had been convicted of killing someone with a bomb…..

    Even though Nadler had approved the FALN clemencies, his involvement with aiding the release of dangerous and deadly terrorists would be even more direct and hands on, and it would involve Susan Rosenberg and Judith Clark, members of the May 19th Coalition, which was an offshoot of the Weather Underground ….The group wanted to overthrow the government, and teamed up with Black Liberation Army (formerly Black Panthers). In 1979, they helped convicted cop killer Joanne Chesimard escape from prison, and then jointly committed a series of armored car robberies. ….

    Nadler’s history shows that he should sit in judgement of no one. His blatant hypocrisy in defending Bill Clinton during his impeachment in 1999 as opposed to his obvious bias now should easily preclude him. But what is far worse is his behavior in helping free some of America’s most dangerous terrorists.” .


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