This fat fucker does more to discredit the whole “trans activism movement” than anyone on the right. He’s such an over-the-top clown I can’t help but wonder if he’s just trolling everyone.
Left Wing Battle Pig,
No such thing as transgender woman with male genitalia.
…I’m pretty sure this dude fails at the requirement that you have, uh, “beauty” to be a beauty contest contestant, no matter WHAT he calls himself otherwise…
…if this WAS a chick, it would STILL be pointless for the same reason…
Listen all you hater potaters! Let her compete because like my Petey B always sings, “Beauty is in the brown eye of Chasten’s unbleached elastic starfish!”
Why don’t these freaks start their own pageant? Seriously. More creative minds than mine will have to think of a name.
@Brown Eyed Girl — Dysphoria Phantasmagoria?
That Fat, ugly man should be allowed to compete in the prettiest pig contest at the state fair! He would win the blue ribbon waddling away!
This freak-zoid proves his mental deficiency by his constant screaming for attention.
Why isn’t he in jail? He keeps assaulting people.
Uncle Al
OCTOBER 29, 2020 AT 12:12 PM
“@Brown Eyed Girl — Dysphoria Phantasmagoria”
Hen can sing THIS for the “Talent” part, I’m sure he has the low range, and the subject matter is about where ideas like this come from anyway, so it fits…
There’s no such thing as a “transgendered” anything, much less a “transgendered” alleged-female freak with dangles.
The absurdity is mind-numbing. But, that’s probably the point – to numb skulls.
izlamo delenda est …
So they allow Tiny a chance to compete. What’s next? Filing a complaint because “It” wasn’t chosen as a finalist? You can’t win with these freaks.
Galaxy Pageants uh?
Wel whut friggin planet in the Galaxy iz he tuned into???
Just don’t let him teach in schools.
It’s probably a card-carrying member of the AFT and the NEA with a Master’s Degree in Edukashum. Credentialed in New York, Chicago, and LA.
I think a trip to Mecca is in order … for the annual “running of the swine” …
izlamo delenda est …
Not fit for the pig contest at the fair.
Jimmy Dean wants them around 800lbs to make into good breakfast sausage.
Maple, maybe sage, but not ‘Jessica’ flavored. Fail.
Too bad there are no more freak shows at the carnival. It would fit right in with the sword swallower.
@HM: I was going to suggest he enter the 4H pageant.
Its Canada. We don’t keep murdering Cannibals in Jail (Vince Li), we pay terrorists (Ohmar Khadr), and invite radical islamist kidnapers to meet Prime Minister Sparkle socks (Joshua Boyle).
It probably refused to shave before a competition.
In the old days, the state mental hospital would’ve let her in – no problems! 😳
“He” should sue the mirror company for giving the false impression that “she” was remotely qualified to be in that contest.
It’s Canadia so they will likely allow it to compete.
Next will be a lawsuit for not giving ‘her’ high scores in the swimsuit competition.
Genetic testing should be required.
This fat fucker does more to discredit the whole “trans activism movement” than anyone on the right. He’s such an over-the-top clown I can’t help but wonder if he’s just trolling everyone.
Left Wing Battle Pig,
No such thing as transgender woman with male genitalia.
…I’m pretty sure this dude fails at the requirement that you have, uh, “beauty” to be a beauty contest contestant, no matter WHAT he calls himself otherwise…
…if this WAS a chick, it would STILL be pointless for the same reason…
Listen all you hater potaters! Let her compete because like my Petey B always sings, “Beauty is in the brown eye of Chasten’s unbleached elastic starfish!”
Why don’t these freaks start their own pageant? Seriously. More creative minds than mine will have to think of a name.
@Brown Eyed Girl — Dysphoria Phantasmagoria?
That Fat, ugly man should be allowed to compete in the prettiest pig contest at the state fair! He would win the blue ribbon waddling away!
This freak-zoid proves his mental deficiency by his constant screaming for attention.
Why isn’t he in jail? He keeps assaulting people.
Uncle Al
OCTOBER 29, 2020 AT 12:12 PM
“@Brown Eyed Girl — Dysphoria Phantasmagoria”
Hen can sing THIS for the “Talent” part, I’m sure he has the low range, and the subject matter is about where ideas like this come from anyway, so it fits…
From the Babylon Bee?
There’s no such thing as a “transgendered” anything, much less a “transgendered” alleged-female freak with dangles.
The absurdity is mind-numbing. But, that’s probably the point – to numb skulls.
izlamo delenda est …
So they allow Tiny a chance to compete. What’s next? Filing a complaint because “It” wasn’t chosen as a finalist? You can’t win with these freaks.
Galaxy Pageants uh?
Wel whut friggin planet in the Galaxy iz he tuned into???
Just don’t let him teach in schools.
It’s probably a card-carrying member of the AFT and the NEA with a Master’s Degree in Edukashum. Credentialed in New York, Chicago, and LA.
I think a trip to Mecca is in order … for the annual “running of the swine” …
izlamo delenda est …
Not fit for the pig contest at the fair.
Jimmy Dean wants them around 800lbs to make into good breakfast sausage.
Maple, maybe sage, but not ‘Jessica’ flavored. Fail.
Too bad there are no more freak shows at the carnival. It would fit right in with the sword swallower.
@HM: I was going to suggest he enter the 4H pageant.
Its Canada. We don’t keep murdering Cannibals in Jail (Vince Li), we pay terrorists (Ohmar Khadr), and invite radical islamist kidnapers to meet Prime Minister Sparkle socks (Joshua Boyle).
It probably refused to shave before a competition.
In the old days, the state mental hospital would’ve let her in – no problems! 😳
“He” should sue the mirror company for giving the false impression that “she” was remotely qualified to be in that contest.