Jesus For Jeb! – IOTW Report

Jesus For Jeb!

Does Jeb’s affability offend anyone?

Jeb 2016 –

The last few years have been challenging for many Americans. I want to tell you what I’m going to do to fix it.

It starts by getting our economy growing again.

We have to strive for more than the anemic growth we have today. We should be growing jobs at 4%, which would mean 19 million new jobs over the next decade.

It can be done, and I know how to do it. Just ask Jesus:

Jesus Marquez

Las Vegas, NV

“I met Gov. Jeb Bush during one of his visits to Las Vegas and from the beginning he struck me as an honest and humble man. Talking to him face to face I noticed a great sense of patriotism and family values that is needed in a leader of such an exceptional country like ours. As a Hispanic small business owner with parents that came to this country in pursuit of a better life, I value the American Dream. Before I met Bush, I followed his work as Governor of Florida where he did an excellent job preserving that Dream. That’s why I support Gov. Jeb Bush for President.”


The use of Jesus ticked off Torey Dawn, among other things. Good rant HERE.


11 Comments on Jesus For Jeb!

  1. That *IS* a great response from TD; thanks for linking.

    My first reaction to the title was, “Okay, so now he’s got someone to mow his lawn”. That’s basically all !Cheb! is saying, anyway.

  2. So I read everywhere that people on the Trump wagon are stupid. But in the same paragraph these same people opine that of the gaggle of candidates, none of them are sufficient.

    This is one way to identify a Yeb supporter.

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