Jindal: Obama’s Reaction to Charleston Shooting ‘Completely Shameful’ – IOTW Report

Jindal: Obama’s Reaction to Charleston Shooting ‘Completely Shameful’

PJM- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) slammed President Obama for his “completely shameful” reaction to the Charleston church massacre.

obama anti gun

“At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And it is in our power to do something about it,” Obama said in a gun-control message in the White House briefing room today.

Obama took a dig at Republicans on Capitol Hill, adding “the politics in this town foreclose a lot of those avenues right now.”

“But it would be wrong for us not to acknowledge it,” he said. “And at some point it’s going to be important for the American people to come to grips with it, and for us to be able to shift how we think about the issue of gun violence collectively.”

Jindal told Fox that “today was not the moment” for Obama’s speech.



19 Comments on Jindal: Obama’s Reaction to Charleston Shooting ‘Completely Shameful’

  1. Hey Barky, here’s an idea. Hows about you concentrate on keeping the obviously deranged individuals and inner city youts away from firearms, and leave the rest of us honest law abiding citizens and legal gun owners, and our Second Amendment rights alone. Moron.

  2. Just Guns? People perform mass killings by other means. A German airline pilot comes to mind. Should we outlaw Planes?

    Obviously O needs a more competent staff so the puppet doesn’t spew garbage from the Pie hole.

    What this country needs is a nun to make everyone sit down and listen. Also need to bring back institutions for the INSANE so we have a place to put the Liberal wacks and the MSM wacks.

  3. I’ve never heard this fool speak. (Thank god for the mute button)
    Does he ever mention black on black crime? I hear black people in Chicago kill each other daily. And it ain’t with poison tipped darts.

  4. I am so tired of president dumb ass and his straw men!

    are we supposed to think that confiscation of guns from the law abiding will stop this?

    meanwhile dumbass is releasing illegal mexican immigrants back on the streets of this country who have gone on crime sprees in this country.

  5. If someone in that congregation had been armed, a lot fewer people would have been killed. Perhaps none.

    Well, the perp would have been dropped like a sack of wet rags.

    At my church, there may be as many as 4 armed CCW individuals in the sanctuary at one time.

    We have a security team and we have a …. predefined policy and procedure, let’s put it that way.

    We are aware that church shootings are a problem and even our pastor has been threatened.

    I hope I never have to shoot anyone, but I simply don’t go to church without my gun, a concealed glock 19 with 16 +P hollow points and a spare mag of 15 more.

    Just look for the guy with the slightly oversized loose fitting untucked shirt. That’s the security guy.

    Someone causes trouble and won’t shut up or leave? We drag his ass out and tell him to not come back. We’ve practiced verbal de-escalation techniques.

    Someone gets rough? We have practiced self defense and one guy has a set of cuffs.

    Someone comes in with a deadly weapon such as a baseball bat or knife? Draw, issue warning, shoot if necessary.

    Someone pulls a gun? Shoot immediately, no warning of any kind.

  6. I’m watching Morning Joe right now and there’s some female black activist on a rant about gun control. She just said “We need to insist on back ground check for mentally ill people”. And everybody agreed with her. Reality means nothing to the left.

  7. All this commotion about Race has been whipped up since the O can’t get anything done through the House and Senate. Therefore he said what the heck, I owes somin’ to my Race Husslin’ bro, Al, to keep him fully employed. Black Pres. and we got Race Problems. Guess O ain’t dipped in GOLD after all.

  8. Obola has no shame.
    He is a doctrinaire socialist ideologue who understands that he cannot fully enslave us as long as we are armed.

    So, he’s doing the next-best thing: destroying the economy, suffocation through regulation, enormous debt (that can NEVER be paid off), nuclearized Iran, aiding and arming ISIS and the moslem Bros, emboldened China and Russia, and a demoralized Police and Armed Forces.

  9. He would like to think he is doing it all by his little ol’ self, but he was put there for that purpose by some pretty sinister socialist puppeteers. He is really enabled by an embedded cadre of leftist career bureaucrats who are directed by pure ideologue political appointees. If a new, reasonably conservative Republican is elected in 2016, he will be hamstrung by the career bureaucratic leftists….and too many military politicians. Only solution is to flush the system through downsizing. Controls spending too!

  10. Yo Bob. Church security, and security advisers is getting to be a big business. If you check some of the more prevalent tactical security sites there’s usually a page there dedicated to churches and religious functions. In fact a former poster here is affiliated with just such a business.
    Our church has a similar program in place. I was asked a long time ago if I wanted to participate but I’m lucky if I make it once a month. But when we do go my shirts baggy and untucked. Hell where ever I go.

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