“Jingle Bells” Bird and Poor Doggie – IOTW Report

“Jingle Bells” Bird and Poor Doggie

h/t Jethro

13 Comments on “Jingle Bells” Bird and Poor Doggie

  1. Very nice. I haven’t seen that before. I can whistle and get birds up in the trees to return my call, but this one’s got me beat. Merry Christmas. Let’s all try not to be shot and or murdered!!

  2. God Bless to one and all 😘

    May the Lord bring peace today and everyday because he came to save us from ourselves and believe you me we all need saving πŸ™β€οΈπŸ•ŠοΈ

    Keep looking up πŸ™‚

    Merry Christmas everyone πŸŽ„

    Thank you Claudia the video brought a smile today 😊


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