Joe Biden already thinking about his VP? – IOTW Report

Joe Biden already thinking about his VP?

Has he been cruising the school yards?

RedState: Is He Serious? Joe Biden Explains Who He Likes For His V.P. Choices.

Putting this in the counting your chickens before they hatch but it is easier than talking about actual stuff being he gets confused easily bucket, Joe Biden has thoughts on a running mate.

You know that we love to hear Joe’s thoughts.

From Politico 

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday he would consider former presidential candidates Beto O’Rourke and Julián Castro to be a running mate or a member of his Cabinet if he is elected president.

O’Rourke, a former Texas congressman and high-profile 2018 Senate candidate, was an early frontrunner for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination before fading into the field’s lower tiers and dropping out in early November. Castro, the former secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Barack Obama, ended his yearlong campaign earlier this month after struggling in the polls. Biden said he has spoken with both of them since their exits.

“My plea to both of them is that they stay engaged,” Biden said Wednesday in an interview with The Dallas Morning News. “They are talented, talented people.”

Whoa whoa whoa there Joe. Let’s slow down on buttering that political butt-kissing roll so soon. read more

13 Comments on Joe Biden already thinking about his VP?

  1. Apparently, Biden thinks Beto is Hispanic. Wait til he finds out that Beto is a HINO and Castro doesn’t speak Spanish.

    Also from RedState:

    “Former Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday he would consider former presidential candidates Beto O’Rourke and Julián Castro to be a running mate or a member of his Cabinet if he is elected president….There will be Latinos in my cabinet and I guaranteed there will be Latinos in my White House. And both of them are qualified,” he said referring to O’Rourke and Castro.”

  2. I gotz to amalgamate the sidestepped issues of the spican-spanic conundrum of the ray-cyst right-wing-nuts endemnisized by the Trumpists.
    Beto is a mexitexi nationalist guy who I likes – he waves his arms funny like Warren – and speeks more sensibilitiy and more like a Merican than Bernies does … at … Hullio Casteroil is also a likeable guy an Barry says I cud do less than embracing him, or more with Pete Buttergig – but Hulios a spican-spanic – and Pete’s just a fag – but acourse, if eh was anegro fag I’d love him like my own!
    Anyhowze, theirs alot to consideration-ally and some time to do it. Mainly we gotz to torpedo bernie Sanders as much as possible (I’m not sure why but thats what I been tole)

  3. There’s a strong incentive for a presidential candidate to choose as a running mate someone so awful, so incompetent, so unsuitable compared to themselves so as to act as a hedge against assassination and impeachment. That’s not an option for Joey: nobody meets those requirements.


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