Joe Biden Flashback – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Flashback

‘I went to law school on a full academic scholarship’ (he didn’t).



As the mainstream media doubles down on their blatant deception regarding Dr. Ben Carson and West Point, the author thought Americans should be reminded about an actual scholarship lie told by Vice President Joe Biden.

biden village idiot

Vice President Joe Biden told some whoppers while he was running for Senator back in 1987. Here is one:

“I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship…”

It was a big fat lie.



Joe touchy

5 Comments on Joe Biden Flashback

  1. What I actually said was that I went to law school and was “full of kaka-magic squandered shit” – but they mistook my voices and I didn’t try to correct them.

    So … if it’s a lie, they tole it, not me.

  2. Hey Joey, you’re doing it all wrong, you’re supposed to put some peas around the rim of the hole. that what way when the fish come up to take a pea you can catch them. Any good Norwegian should know that when they’re ice fishing. Also it helps if you’re out on a real frozen lake or pond instead of a hockey rink.

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