Joe Biden Gets 1 Billion In Order To Cure Cancer – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Gets 1 Billion In Order To Cure Cancer

Obama made Joe Biden the face of the “Moonshot Cancer Cure.” And he’s going to request 1 billion dollars for Joe to play with.

Which is more absurd, Joe being the Cancer Czar, or this lady being Belgium’s Health Minister?

Maggie De Block


ht/ petrus

25 Comments on Joe Biden Gets 1 Billion In Order To Cure Cancer

  1. $1,000,000,000 is still a lot of money. In fact, one could go almost completely unnoticed while diverting 10 or 20 million of it into a Presidential campaign slush fund. I mean, one would want to be able to hit the ground running when the call comes to get off the bench.

  2. Being male, I’ve got about 1:2 chance of cancer in my lifetime. I hope he does some good, but I’m not expecting any more than a free enrollment in Hair Club for Men.

  3. Obola’s a fool, and so are the American people. There are as many types of cancer as there are types of colds.
    Curing cancer is not an engineering problem (as space flight was) but a medical problem involving millions of variables and millions of unknowns.

    And Biden is an imbecile.

    Somebody needs to ask Obola what Biden’s qualifications are.

  4. Dan “potatoe” Quayle gives him a serious run though…

    And if Slow Joe doesn’t get his billion (to spend in less than a year??) Obama gets to crow that “Republicans WANT you to have cancer!”

  5. Odumbass feels bad for Joe being in politics all these years and still being poor, so he is giving him this one last chance to grab a few million for his retirement.
    Of course Joe is so dumb, he will probably waste all the money actually trying to cure cancer!

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