American Thinker: Joe Biden is testing a new campaign tactic in Iowa: Insult the voters as ignoramuses.
Yeah, that’ll work.
Like President Trump, I have my fingers crossed that Biden’s lead over the rest of the Democrats’ filed will continue and that he will secure the Democrats’ nomination. But time is not on our side because Biden can’t hide from the public enough to prevent him spewing a critical mass of stupid comments.
The Great State of Iowa grabbed the national spotlight when Jimmy Carter managed to grab attention by winning the until-then-obscure Iowa Caucuses and parlaying that into sudden national prominence and the nomination and presidency. Ever since then, Iowans have taken their responsibilities seriously, spending lots of time attending rallies and watching the field of potential nominees flock to the Hawkeye State. Iowans, in general, are the salt of the earth types, rooted in agriculture and industry, and in their earnest Midwestern style, asking questions and listening to answers.
That’s why Biden telling Iowans that they “probably don’t know where Delaware is” is such a bizarre thing to say. Kyle Olsen of The American Mirror spotted the gaffe: more
I don’t worry too much about overload on the stupid things he says, they all hold their own with being idiots and it’ll surface during the debates.
Biden’s no Don Rickles, he offends people just because he is an idiot.
In England they say “It’s 10 p.m. Do you know where your children are?”
In Switzerland they say “It’s 4 o’clock … Do you know where your money is?”
In Germany “It’s 6 o’clock … Do you know where your career is?”
In America they ask Joe “It’s 7 o’clock … Do you know what time it is?”
Tomorrow, on Father’s Day, this moron will go over to Indiana and say:
“I understand it’s it’s Hossier Daddy Day here! Barack Obama told me that one!”
Insulting his audience? Like Joe himself they’re unlikely to notice.
My fantasy: Joey wins the Dem nomination and then in a live TV “debate” craps his pants, looks down, and says, “Oh fuck. Hey, that reminds me. Anybody here been to San Francisco?”
Uncle Al – I’m pretty sure Joe’s debate prep material is putting on a pair of Depends these days…
His handlers demand it!
Chances are, if someone voluntarily went to hear Slow Joe, it’s beyond insultable.
Either that or Slow Joe’s campaign’s handing out free cheese and crackers.
Can’t imagine what would possess anyone to attend a Slow Joe rally.
izlamo delenda est …
…the fact that the Democrats actually think of Joe as viable candidate is an insult to the intelligence of EVERY American…
He’s not going to be the nominee.
Doe BIDEN know where DE is? 🤨
Did anybody TEST him? 😳
@Mr_Pinko JUNE 15, 2019 AT 10:06 AM
“He’s not going to be the nominee.”
…that is correct.
“Michelle” is.
Bank on it.
I agree. We have not yet seen the final candidate in this shit show of shit shows!
There is a nuther even bigger turd to drop outta the big donky’s ass!
He doesn’t have to convince the public to get the nod, just Democrats.
Biden doesn’t know where Iowa is. It’s just part of “flyover country.”
Well, I’m insulted and I don’t even live in Iowa. But where’s Iowa?
I thought that the circus no longer traveled the circuit and that its freak sideshow was banned! The Dems are proving that false!
I agree also, she’s hanging back while all the other are getting the stupid shit out of the way. And she will rush in as the “Savior of the human race, and the death of Whitey”.
Also, do the people that protest for socialism realize that once they figure out they made a mistake, “there won’t be any protesting allowed.”
But it can tear it down!
Capitalism built America.
It took generations of people with ideas, hard work, sweat, toil, time and talent to build America.
It doesn’t take much to destroy something. That can be done almost overnight and any asshole can do that! Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction… and that’s what the Left is counting on!!