Joe Biden On the Hillary Campaign Trail is the Must-See Comedy of the Summer! – IOTW Report

Joe Biden On the Hillary Campaign Trail is the Must-See Comedy of the Summer!

Joe Biden revisited his boyhood home, Scranton, to campaign with Hillary —>


Joe said, in reference to Trump, “he doesn’t have a clue.”

Joe went on to say that he’s been around since the Polk administration and has “never seen a presidential candidate from the two major parties less prepared to deal with national security.”

The fact that Joe Biden failed to win a presidential primary has given his statement, at first blush, a little credibility.

But, no. Joe need not look any further than-

A: —His boss. Barack Obama has destabilized the entire world by turning America into a feckless also-ran in the world theater.

B: —-The crunt standing to his right. Hillary Clinton made us less secure with her secret server, the one she needed to cover-up the criminality. She destroyed emails that showed that the state department made pay-for-play deals. “Suggestions” were made that people”donate” to the Clinton Foundation and their “requests” would be fulfilled.

Joe said that Hillary Clinton has forgotten more about foreign policy than Trump’s entire team will ever know.

That doesn’t sound like a compliment.

That sounds like Hillary has a memory problem. Or a server wipe problem. Or a deletion problem.

He said that Hillary knows one thing (again, poor choice of words) that Trump doesn’t know- that it’s “never, ever, never been a good bet to bet against America.”

When did Trump bet against America?

He said Trump can’t be trusted with the Nuclear Codes. This, from a guy who isn’t allowed to touch the TV remote in the oval office.

He said he wouldn’t have let his son Beau serve in the military under Trump, he would have thrown his body down in front of him.

“If my son were still in Iraq, and I say to all those who are there, the threat to their life has gone up a couple of clicks. It’s gone up a couple clicks,” perhaps forgetting that the Butcher of Benghazi was sitting right next to him.

The guy is an abject moron.


16 Comments on Joe Biden On the Hillary Campaign Trail is the Must-See Comedy of the Summer!

  1. If my memory serves me right there is a photo of Joe standing on the WH steps holding a dossier with either “Secret” or “Classified” stamped
    on it chatting with the media. Also, it was Joe who gave up Team six by bragging about Bin Ladin’s kill. The man is a fooken eegit!

  2. Trump said he wouldn’t have been in Iraq in the first place, ya putz
    how much more is this guy going to use his dead son as political fodder? … my guess is NEVER
    have you no shame, Mr. Biden? …. none? … of course not, you’re a democRat

  3. My favorite Slow Joe recollection is when he said he became an “Obama Whisperer” for the Hildebeast. She kept asking Looney Joe what Barry was talking about. Why Hellary thought Dingbat Joe knew anything is beyond me.
    Apparently, Hellary doesn’t understand Marxist despot colonialism ideologies by way of Kenya and implimented using Alinsky tactics. Understandable, Hellary’s more of a mob boss than a Marxist.

  4. How pathetic that a presidential candidate thinks she’ll brighten her electoral chances by dragging out this slobbering old fool who stands on his own son’s corpse at ever opportunity for political expediency.

    It’s beyond disgusting.

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