Joe Biden Says He’ll ‘Appoint’ First Black Woman to the ‘Senate’ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Says He’ll ‘Appoint’ First Black Woman to the ‘Senate’

Breitbart: Former Vice President Joe Biden on Friday committed yet another gaffe on the campaign trail, pledging to “appoint” the first black woman to the “Senate,” seemingly forgetting that two black women have served in the upper chamber.

“I’m looking forward to appointing the first African American woman to the United States Senate,” Biden, 77, said in a stump speech in Sumter, South Carolina, prompting cheers from supporters. Biden appeared to ignore that Sen. Carol Moseley Braun (D-IL) served as the first black female senator from 1993 to 1999, while Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) was the second black woman to be elected to the upper chamber in 2017. read more

25 Comments on Joe Biden Says He’ll ‘Appoint’ First Black Woman to the ‘Senate’

  1. I’m calling bullshit. This asshole wants no part of winning. He’s more worried about Ukraine and only buying time.

    He’s been smart enough to rip us off for decades.

    Barry and Durham, DO SOMETHING!

  2. “I’m calling bullshit. This asshole wants no part of winning. He’s more worried about Ukraine and only buying time.

    He’s been smart enough to rip us off for decades.



  3. So this mentally deteriorating man decided that presidents appoint senators. He evidently has no one in his life that cares enough to encourage him to hang it up. Especially his so called “doctor” wife who sits back and watches as he comes apart at the seams. I feel for him. He is most alone, pitiful and without hope. I have no love for liberal/progressive politician but I’m still a human being. These people are lower than whale shit.

  4. While I’m inclined to agree with Frittz that he is faking to avoid his inevitable prosecution I also watched my own father go through similar verbal slips and increased aggression so I’m withholding judgement.

    Pedo Joe has always been considered to be an idiot so combined with early dementia this may be an actual medical meltdown…

  5. First he confused the Presidency with the Senate.
    Now he confused the Supreme Court with the Senate.

    This is elder abuse.

    Someone needs to pull Jill Biden aside and tell her to put her obsessive need to be First Lady aside and let the old coot drop out.

  6. Jackass Joe is not only a clown, he’s turning out to be the entire fcuking circus!
    Yeah, he knows he’s in trouble, or as he might put it: BIG fucking Trouble” and he’s just trying to stay a step ahead of the indicments!
    It Sucks to be YOU Joe!

  7. Is he running for Governor now?
    A governor is allowed to appoint a senator to fill in to finish a term or until a special election if a senator dies, resigns, or is unable to complete a term.


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