Joe Biden Says He’s Ready to Defeat Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Says He’s Ready to Defeat Joe Biden

“I’m prepared to say that I have a record over 40 years, and that I’m going to beat Joe Biden”

22 Comments on Joe Biden Says He’s Ready to Defeat Joe Biden

  1. FOX news announced new polling results last night with Biden 6 points (I think) ahead of Trump. With the majority of Americans trusting Biden’s ability to handle the current crisis over Trump.
    Are we really suppose to believe anything FOX says anymore?

  2. @ Brad…you do realize the majority of these polls are taken in major cities,yes? Remember how far ahead Hillary was in 2016 according to the polls?

  3. In regard to Biden referring to himself in third person I will use my extensive background in psychology (Psych. 101 in college) to analyze his behavior. When most of your life has been spent as a criminal amassing personal wealth and destroying other people’s lives via the government then in order to retain any sense of “sanity” one must disassociate their self and create a false person (third person) to take the responsibility. As far as the “Biden defeating Biden” comment, well that’s just common Freudian slip. In otherwords he’s a senile fraud.

  4. Death_By_Farts

    I do. But here’s the deal. Especially for FOX. If you’re collecting data and the data is suspect. Proven totally wrong once. Wouldn’t you change your sampling plan? I would. They are displaying the data they want you to see.

  5. “I often wonder just how long his family will continue letting him make a fool of himself. I don’t understand it at all.”

    Simple. It’s not about Joe, it’s about whoever they choose to be his vice president at the last second. But they need Joe to get them there.

  6. grool – His family is using him to keep out of prison… along with his other democRAT enablers! They’re holding up Jackass Joe like a crucifix to keep the Fed from prosecuting them!


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