Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Hits New Low as Confidence in His Leadership Plummets – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Hits New Low as Confidence in His Leadership Plummets

Neon Nettle: The President’s average approval rating sank to a dismal 38.8 percent, the polls reported.
Never before has Biden seen his disapproval rating hit the average high of 56.9 percent.

As of now, Biden is 18.1 points underwater, which is another record.
Meanwhile, even left-wing FiveThirtyEight reports Biden’s average approval rating is 39.6 percent. MORE

16 Comments on Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Hits New Low as Confidence in His Leadership Plummets

  1. I find those numbers hard to believe.
    38.8% Approval?
    56.9% Disapproval? Just over half?
    Can there be that many morons, imbeciles, and retards in this country?
    That implies that 142 Million of us DON’T Disapprove of this usurping traitorous assmuppet?
    I really doubt it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Tim – FJB – Have you watched any of those Man-On-The-Street interviews with college students?
    They can’t name the continents or countries in the continents. Hell, they don’t even know what hemisphere they’re in, yet they drive, reproduce and vote!!
    Can there be that many morons, imbeciles, and retards in this country?

  3. Joey’s real numbers are at best maybe 10 to 25 percent approval and even that may be generous. If I had my way, he would be in the negative percentile category. Joey sucks, and he is not really the presidunce and every good American with an ounce of brains knows that.

  4. How could his rating be 38.8% when his base no longer approves of him. His base is still applauding that Humper is special, and he’s Joe’s most closest confidant as we sink into the abyss.

  5. You must automatically deduct a 10% Demonrat bias from all polls.

    His real numbers are around 28 vs 72%. Around 30% of our country already live in Idiocracy and he is 2 points down even there.

    I expect him to be martyred for the cause just before the midterms.

    Saint Joeseph the patron Saint of Pedophiles will get two weeks worth of adulation to increase the base sympathy vote.

  6. Hey! Here’s one of the braindead 38% that think that joey pants is great! Thanks jill b. Your one of the reasons we’re in the fix we’re in. Next election day stay home.

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