Joe Biden’s Campaign Slogan – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s Campaign Slogan

Maroon writes:

On a recent snippet from, “The Five,”Jesse Watters pointed out that JoeBiden has no slogan.

Time for a Joe Biden Slogan Contest?

My entry:
Biden Time with Creepy Uncle Joe.

76 Comments on Joe Biden’s Campaign Slogan

  1. “SMOKIN’ JOE FROM POCONO!…2020″….
    And then his next stump speech will go something like this….”Well, maybe Pocono, somewhere in Delaware….Nah that ain’t right it’s Pocono Pennsylvania where I was a coal miners daughter named Loretta….

  2. “Vote for Joe, and me, Hillary. As his Vice President, I can assure you won’t have to worry about his gaffes for long, and NO ONE will look more Presidential in a casket than HIM!”

    paid for by Hil—uh, Joe, 30330…

  3. “I’ll do for Washington what I did for Kiev! Call Joe 30330, and let me know if any prosecutors are bothering you, Ill take care of it in six hours or less, GUARANTEED!”

  4. Joe to campaign staff: Here are a few suggestions I made up off the cuff:

    1. Don’t swap horses midstream.
    2. Give ’em hell Harry.
    3. I like Ike.
    4. All the the way with LBJ.
    5. They can’t lick our Dick.
    6. Not just peanuts.
    7. Where’s the Beef?

    Campaign staff to Joe: Shut up and sit down you fucking brain damaged serial plagarist.

  5. *Diogenes November 27, 2019 at 2:54 pm
    ‘Forward Into The Past’ – Biden 2020

    I have read them all now and this is, by far, my favorite. Joe could actually use this one! It truly defines the Demorat party.
    Me? I got nuth’n

  6. Let’s face the facts. I will never be President
    So my slogan is immaterial, but that is no reason to stop deriding my corrupt despicable plagiarizing ass and stop mentioning my worthless son for whom I whored myself to make him an OIL MAN, a very well paid OIL MAN in Ukraine. For my son. Who knows nothing about oil other than as a lubricant in a strip joint.

    Sorry. I refuse to let this go.

    Whatever it takes to crater Biden is where I’m at.


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