Joe Biden’s Poll Numbers Spiral Towards Singularity – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s Poll Numbers Spiral Towards Singularity

A singularity in astrophysics is the point in a black hole where gravity and density become one dimensional and physics as we know it stop to function. As Biden slides to those levels of unknown poll results the only question is how many democrats is he going to pull into the black hole with him before they do something? Here

19 Comments on Joe Biden’s Poll Numbers Spiral Towards Singularity

  1. Dems will unfortunately always have their fanboys. However, their shenanigans of late should show what cockroaches they really are. Don’t know if it’s enough to sway the dumb masses, but it may be enough to sway the more influential of the dumb masses, which should prompt a portion of the rest to follow. But I have .y doubts.

  2. When you rig an election with a candidate who is a bonified idiot then expect things to turn into an upside down/sideways comedy of epic Jerry Lewis character level stupidity.

  3. As Biden slides to those levels of unknown poll results the only question is how many democrats is he going to pull into the black hole with him before they do something?

    All of them are in the black hole, it’s too late. Once you’re sucked in, you ain’t getting out – ask Humper.

  4. C’mon man, doesn’t matter!

    You’re going to have a pedo friendly SC judge for DECADES!

    Everyone STILL does all the unconstipational things I order!

    I can STILL start WWIIIIIIII to cover up my family’s crimes!

    Guys with guns STILL protect me even when my dog attacks them!

    I’m STILL above the law and can molest all the chirren I please!

    And I’m STILL the boss of YOU!

  5. …there are singularities in robotics, too. The closer you get to one the more your performance degrades, and it is impossible for the robot to get out of a singularly on its own if its in one.

    That kinda fits too…

  6. I object to the racist term Black Hole…we all know it’s a White Hole wearing a Black Hole mask.

    While it’s true that blacks are the only hole left were the Pedos head is at least peaking over the rim even 25% of them now hate his rickety ass.

    I propose we call it a Lucifer Hole we’re all things good and beautiful are sucked in and converted to dark matter.

    Oh never mind dark matter is racist to.

    It’s just to hard to be liberal and use English. No wonder the commie bastards invent their own terms.

  7. Biden wasn’t picked and pushed on us fraudulenly to ‘succeed’: his ‘failures’ (that is, destroying our country) is what he was put in place for. This is Obama’s third term, remember.

  8. Hey Boys abd Girls. Just wrote a novel called “The Second Singularity” Getting it cooywritted now. Astrophysics meets Metaphysics, meets the Lord God Almighty through 24 Indian Nations.

    Hopefully coming to a book store near you.


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