Joe “Brian Williams” Biden Takes Credit For Something He Had Nothing To Do With – As Usual – IOTW Report

Joe “Brian Williams” Biden Takes Credit For Something He Had Nothing To Do With – As Usual

I truly hate this MF.

Biden ascending to the role of Commander-in-Chief is a bigger embarrassment for the voter than the embarrassment of having that azzhole in the oval office. It illustrates just how dumb people are that they would elect a delusional retard liar who gets a free pass on corruption because he is so stupid people can’t fathom that he can be part of any crime ring.

Snopes even fact-checked this, that is how audacious this lie is.

16 Comments on Joe “Brian Williams” Biden Takes Credit For Something He Had Nothing To Do With – As Usual

  1. Please stop making comments that imply that Biden was actually or honestly elected. If you want to criticize those stupid enough to have actually cast honest ballots for him, fine, but to imply that he actually won the election only supports their lie filled narrative.

  2. Did Corn Pop help him putting together the Quad while rubbing the hair on his legs in a swimming pool while the Amtrak conductor was telling “Joey Boy” how great it was that he travelled over a million miles on the train back and forth from Scranton?

  3. “elect a delusional retard liar who gets a free pass on corruption because they are so stupid people can’t fathom that he can be part of any crime ring.”


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