Joe Rogan Speaks About Spotify Controversy – IOTW Report

Joe Rogan Speaks About Spotify Controversy

16 Comments on Joe Rogan Speaks About Spotify Controversy

  1. Joe seems to be a cool guy-fair enough. His interviews with Malone & McCollough were good.

    But the fact is anytime ANYONE dares to present something that doesn’t follow lockstep to what the narrative is calling for is going to get a shitstorm rained down on them.

    Hard to believe but there was a time not so long ago when there could be disagreements on policies without being labeled as a racist or a right wing fascist. But that’s where are like it or not.

    Oh you don’t want billions in windmill subsidies? Well you’re a product of white supremacy. HTF does shit like that make sense?

    So I’m not wishing peace and love on these cock suckers. Fuck them. I say all the Joe Rogans in the universe just trying to present information from all POV are too fucking late. The left wants cattle cars and camps and will not be talked down from that ledge. They have weaponized almost every institution in this country and programmed them to senseless insanity.

    We’re in front row seats for this nightmare and soon enough it’s going to be time to rush the stage…or not.

  2. The people with different opinions would most likely be those who support the narrative, Joe. We know what their “approved” opinion is. It is those who have an opposing view to the orthodoxy (those people who got you in trouble with fossils Young and Mitchell) who we do not hear about enough because they have been marginalized.

  3. Joe, no need to apologize. You did nothing wrong. They are the ones that should be apologizing.

    Spotify doesn’t need to add that disclaimer. It’s common sense. It’s akin to the warning on the hair dryers to not use while in the shower.

    The more we try to appease these authoritarians, the more power we give them to mess with our lives.

  4. Rogan needs to discuss on his podcast the fact Blackstone bought half of Neil Youngs music and the ex-CEO of Pfizer was hired to be Blackstones Senior Advisor. Pfizer doesnt want real cures put out there. And Blackstone is also in bed with Obama.

  5. Was Joe dissing Joni Mitchell? I thought ‘Chuck E’s in love’ was Rickie Lee Jones, not Joni Mitchell?

    He updated his video–> Edit: I just realized “chuckie’s in love” is Ricky Lee Jones not Joni Mitchell. Doh! -bfh


  6. Sounds like Joe is instituting a self-imposed “Fairness Doctrine.”
    Fucking IDIOT!
    YES a very rich dumb-ass but a dumb-ass nonetheless.

    Fucking Joe, we already get the “other side” from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and even Fox.
    We already know the dem talking points, don’t you fucking get it???

    For FUCKS SAKE DUDE, if you can’t figure that shit out?!

    With any luck he is just paying this lip service but I don’t believe he’s that smart.

  7. Oh and a word of advice Joe…
    That “selfie-style” video your doing is NOT a good look with your giant head & face.
    Just sayin’

    Though now that I think about it, perhaps I should get the “other sides opinion” before I make up my mind.
    Good fucking grief!

  8. Another thing, that story about Kneel Young was not very flattering.
    I would have kept that little nugget to myself.
    You sounded like a cowardly punk-assed little bitch.

    Perhaps grow a pair too.
    These assholes are TRYING TO FUCKING CANCEL YOU!
    Hell, I’m blasting the shit out of you right now.
    I bet you’d like to punch me, not apologize to me.
    Sadly Joe, you are but a twat.

  9. @MMinWA January 31, 2022 at 6:57 am

    > The left wants cattle cars and camps and will not be talked down from that ledge.

    Oh. I’m sorry. I’m on the wrong side of the aisle.

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