Joe’s Handlers Get Called Out – IOTW Report

Joe’s Handlers Get Called Out


“Even the White House’s residence staff, which serves the first family in the mansion’s living quarters, has been kept at arm’s length. A former residence official told Axios that Jill Biden was ‘so protective of the president, and then [White House Aids] Anthony [Bernal and Annie Tomasini] just protects her, and they often wouldn’t let us do anything for them,’” the report said.

“The separation between the family and the residence staff was so big, so divided,” the former official told the outlet. “It’s not supposed to be and usually isn’t, even in the Trump White House.” More

16 Comments on Joe’s Handlers Get Called Out

  1. A neurosurgeon diagnoses Joe Biden (Name withheld upon request): “He undoubtedly has Parkinson’s disease, and is increasingly suffering from Parkinson’s dementia. The signs are unmistakable:

    -his shuffling gait
    -the absence of associated movements (facial expression, arm swinging). When he does swing his arms, it appears stilted – probably because his handlers have told him to swing his arms when he walks. It’s something we all do naturally, but it goes away in Parkinson’s disease
    -gait instability
    -soft voice
    -ON and OFF periods – times when the medication seems to be working well, and when it isn’t (also explains how a good dose of Sinemet times right could get him more animated
    -resting tremor is not prominent in Biden’s case, but this is true of many cases of Parkinsonism

    His physicians UNDOUBTEDLY know this, and it is unconscionable that we do not know this about his health record. I understand HIPAA issues, but this is worse than the Roosevelt secret – he couldn’t walk. At least he had his mind about him! Here we have someone with cognitive issues with his hand on the nuclear button.”

  2. The Bididiots are running (ruining) the country…

    No wonder even Barry Soetero has a constipated look on his face around he-who-must-be-protected.

  3. Here is some more seemingly good analysis, from DC Draino, who is on fire right now:

    Now that the dust has settled, here’s what I believe happened with the debate:
    The war between Biden machine & the Obama machine spilled into the open Democrat leaders on both sides are truly panicking about Biden’s crashing poll numbers Biden knows if he’s out of power, his crime family will be prosecuted and disgraced and Jill Biden has gotten way to used to the lifestyle – she won’t give it up
    Obama team knows their mafia operation will be prosecuted under Trump as well
    So both sides are desperate and fighting over whose strategy is best to beat Trump
    Obama machine launched a final sneak attack to pressure Joe to drop out after the debate that they knew he would be awful in
    It didn’t work
    Biden met with Obama the next day, made clear he wasn’t quitting, and now Obama machine puppets are all backtracking, including Obama himself
    It’s now clear that Biden controls the DNC machine while Obama controls the media machine
    The Democrat machine as a whole is begrudgingly unifying behind Biden in hopes that he can pull it off
    But make no mistake – these people are truly scared of what’s coming down the road for them under Trump
    I’ve never seen them act this desperately
    These are not the moves of a confident & powerful regime
    They are divided and desperate
    If Trump wins, we will truly destroy the Deep State and they know it
    Push forward with everything you’ve got b/c these weakened criminals are on the ropes.

  4. The Demo Defense:

    his shuffling gait –
    Yeah well, so what, he got a load in his underpants just before the debate. He is human, after all. We would all walk that way if we had a big load in our underpants like that. Leave him alone.

    -the absence of associated movements (facial expression, arm swinging). –
    The President does not smile because of the mess Trump left him in January 2020. Blame Trump for that…so he maintains a serious demeanor…he no longer even tells dirty jokes about his wife Dr. Jill like he used to – he is a very serious man now with a lot of big things to deal with, both inside and outside of the bathroom…he wants everything to go down smoothly, but the Supreme Court just continues to frustrate him.

    When he does swing his arms, it appears stilted – probably because his handlers have told him to swing his arms when he walks. It’s something we all do naturally, but it goes away in Parkinson’s disease –
    President Biden does not swing his arms because he does not want to be compared to a Chimpanzee, but rather a strong and handsome Gorilla, who do not swing their arms, dummies.

    gait instability –
    it’s not his fault…it’s his shoes – they are Walmart shoes – Walmart is to blame.

    -soft voice –
    he is a very gentle, humane, and soulful
    man – If you like screeching, listen to that madman Trump.

    -ON and OFF periods – times when the medication seems to be working well, and when it isn’t (also explains how a good dose of Sinemet times right could get him more animated –
    Big Effen’ Deal – so the WH staff forgot to give him his milk and cookies the night before…he was a wee bit unhappy about it and told them he would fire them all – IT’S NO BIG DEAL.

    -resting tremor is not prominent in Biden’s case, but this is true of many cases of Parkinsonism –
    So, you see, President Biden does not tremble – he is in the most vigorous period of his life…just look at him – a figure of vigor and vitality you rarely see anymore. The President’s personal butler told me, in all secrecy, that he’s still a stud, judging from all the stains left on his pillows.

    One more thing: President Biden is a strong confident warrior type of man – every night before sleeping he takes out his toy stun gun, and imagines that Trump, or the SCOTUS SOB’s, or conservative Senate Republicans are standing in front of him and he goes “ZAPP”, take that Trump, or “ZAPP”, take that Judge Kavanough…etc. Now there is a warrior!

  5. …The diseased pedophile’s ACTUAL problem;

    “General paresis
    This form [of neurosyphilis] can appear decades after you’re infected with syphilis, and it can cause lasting issues. However, it’s fairly rare today because of advances in the screening, treatment, and prevention of STIs.

    If it develops, general paresis may lead to several health problems, including:

    mood swings
    emotional troubles
    personality changes
    weakened muscles
    a loss of the ability to utilize language
    It can also progress to dementia.

    Tabes dorsalis
    This form of neurosyphilis is also rare. It can start to affect the spinal cord 20 years or more after the initial syphilis infection. Its symptoms include:

    trouble balancing
    a loss of coordination
    an altered walk
    vision problems
    pains in the abdomen, arms, and legs”

  6. After all of this, my liberal BFF and all of my like minded former co workers are still going vote for Biden.

    Reason? Trump is a liar. They’re voting for the democrat’ick administration, not the man or woman, to stop Trump from becoming King.

    Seriously. 🤡 🌎

  7. Illustr8r

    My wife has friends just like yours. All of them professional peeps that are required to make logical decisions based on the info supplied. My wife’s pretty non confrontational, unless its with me. LOL. High school pals. Their last big meet up was in the wine country of Oregon. On the ride back to the airport in Portland one of them mentioned what a shame it is what’s happened to Portland. The head Libtard, my wife’s best friend through high school blurts out, you can
    thank the proud boys for that. That’s when the wife lost it. Very long fuse. I don’t think she’ll be attending anymore of their events. However the day after she was contacted by two of her classmates stating they we conservatives, they just keep quite. Both their hubbies are self employed. Go figure. I’m not sure that’s helping. Classic bully victim shit. As they’re all headed for their gates the chief instigator libtard moron says, next time we need to bring our husbands. Michelle, already pissed, spun around on her and told her she was out of her mind. Thankfully the other two silent conservatives spoke up and said the same. So I guess here’s my point, and what I told the wife. Things are going to get much much worse. I get her attraction to hang out with old friends. But they’re not the same people. I told her meet with the other two. The Willamette Valley will never be the same after that reunion. Bottom line, the divide is going to go off the charts in the upcoming months. Zero logic from libtards, I told wifey you need to cut these people out of your lives for about two years. They’re zombies. I’m willing to bet your hubby has said the same. They’re nuts.

  8. Brad / Illustr8r, the same story can be told about family members. How can these people be such maroons? My mom, my brothers, my in-laws. Where are their heads at?

  9. @Brad
    OMG I can relate to everything that you just wrote.

    My two closest friends are raging liberals. My BFF and I don’t discuss politics. Her hubby and I do tho and I suspect he has no clue how far left she is. My art school friend is gay, hates Rush and his partner asked me directly on my last visit if I voted for Trump. I skirted the question, kinda, and said “after seeing the absolute destruction of Seattle first hand means I will never ever vote for the people or the policies that caused it.”

    Mr Illustr8r and I are already blacklisted by former work “friends.” They pop up now and again because of job layoffs (the tech industry industry here has been brutal with job losses). We are still in their network (and good enough to talk to if Mr. Illustr8r knows of a job somewhere)…otherwise *crickets*

    It’s all so weird. And depressing. And maddening.


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