John EF KERRY – IOTW Report


“Travel Ban Is The Worst Thing We Can Do.”- John Kerry

What’s the best we can do?

“More outreach. All over the world there’s too much distance between the government and the people.”

37 Comments on John EF KERRY

  1. I want MORE distance between the government and the people–thank you very much. Shut up and sit down, John Horseface Kerry and maybe care for your wife.

  2. Harrumph. Another useless carbon based life form
    I didn’t watch. I will never watch. I only have but so many days and hours. Listening to Kerry or Clinton or obama will not happen. I wish to live out my remaining days in happiness. None of those useless shitpickles are figuring into that equation.

  3. This isn’t to hard to see through. Demography is Destiny. London has a Muzzy mayor and is 55% non white. (Via Western Rifle shooter). Makes you wonder what kind of deal with the devil the Democrats have made? The Democrats would like to see the same carnage here. Why?

  4. Hey, horse’s ass….what you are trying to say is that ‘the people’ don’t want to kiss the ass of government assholes. Isn’t that about it captain ASSHOLE?

  5. @BradC ~ because it suits their goals … they tell us they’ll take care of everything … just go about your business
    they know that regardless whether the insane Muzzies kill billions of us, they will still be in charge … after all, if it wasn’t for them the carnage would be so much greater
    I mean … a few Ewoks bumped off here & there is a small price to pay for ‘security’ … just give up a few more of your rights & they’ll protect us so much we won’t be able to shit without permission
    .. the serfs readily give up freedom for the security of the lord of the castle

  6. “All over the world there’s too much distance between the government and the people.”

    That’s because Very Bad Things™ happen when they’re within reach.

  7. MJA,

    Actually it was working great. All according to plan. Not in their wildest dreams did they expect Trump to win. They never covered their tracks to well. I predict lot’s of people going to jail eventually.

  8. Perhaps the honorable Never-Accomplished-A-Damn-Thing-In-My-Miserable-Life John Kerry, and the lovely missus Heinz, should ketchup with those in the obituary page. They should be as committed, courageous and thoughtful as other libs. THEY should lead by example. Bring in a boat load of ‘refugees’ and comfortably ensconce them in the Ketchup mansion. What could possibly go wrong. What say you, horse face?

  9. We have more outreach than ever and we now have more Muslim mass murders than ever.
    Crazy Muslim Sunnis will load up with explosives then jump on a bus full of Shia in order to suicide bomb the bus.
    How is outreach going to make a dent in Muslim proclivity to violence against “infidels of Allah?”
    It’s not. It’s just giving them more opportunity to kill more innocent people.

  10. @Moe Tom, he was an Assistant D.A. in Massachusetts. You and I both know his heart was probably not into prosecution. I bet he was a lousy prosecutor.

  11. And all over the world that distance was fine till the Muzzies decided lopping heads praised a pedophile goat dick sucker. I’m not saying they’re all bad but a billion less wouldn’t be a bad thing.

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