John Fetterman Aplologizes to The Jerry Springer Show – lol – IOTW Report

John Fetterman Aplologizes to The Jerry Springer Show – lol

14 Comments on John Fetterman Aplologizes to The Jerry Springer Show – lol

  1. As I posted on another thread –
    The backroom Communists are absolutely flummoxed right now. I mean, imagine the backroom discussions – “Who we gonna get that’s dumber than a box of rocks and will do what he’s told to do? I mean, Fetterman wuz a strong contender until he woke up all of a sudden…surprized the shit outta all of us, right?”

    They have to be thinking that they created a monster!

  2. That cat fight was off the rails. Hoodrat Crockett and Dingbat AOC double teamed Bruiser Greene who got some good hits in.

    Greene’s eyelashes comment was great. If it was me, I would have said Crockett’s wig hat was too tight that’s why she didn’t understand Green’s question about the Trump judge’s daughter.

    The part that cracked me up was Comer, Committee chairman, got caught up in the bickering and had no clue what hoodrat Crockett was asking him – “What now?” LOL!!

  3. When a brain damaged senator is the only one who makes sense (occasionally) among the democrats, that tells you all you need to know about the status of the “democratic” party.


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