John Harwood Hails Dark Brandon’s Speech on His Way Out the Door at CNN – IOTW Report

John Harwood Hails Dark Brandon’s Speech on His Way Out the Door at CNN

citizen free press

He [John Harwood] announced at noon that he was no longer with CNN. A source with knowledge about Harwood’s situation said that Harwood was informed last month that today would be his last day, even though he was on a long-term contract. “He used one of this last live-shots to send a message,” the source said. More

8 Comments on John Harwood Hails Dark Brandon’s Speech on His Way Out the Door at CNN

  1. Angling for the WH press secretary job, John?

    Because even though you’re not a bush-hog-headed, dumber-than-dirt’s-idiot-sister, spastic-eyelidded, rug-munching, favored-ethnic-box-ticking immature munchkin, your camera-hogging, capacious-craniumed, regime-loyal, quick-thinking, already-well-known gravitas should more than compensate for what you lack in the great DEI-heavy game of Democrat political appointments.

    Oh sweet God, how very much I ache for the days of Sarah Huckabee Sanders: no hyphens, simply truth delivered with calm, relentless intelligence.

  2. The dishonest demagogue is really Joe Biden and not Donald Trump. Democraps have everything 180 degrees ass backwards. And a lot of lofo’s and other assorted dumbasses keep on believing all the bs that the democraps spew daily from the lamestream media, hollyweird, academia and the deep state. Open your eyes and ears, conservatives are not the enemy, joey and democraps are. Use your pea brains and start to think for yourselves and quit believing all the bs coming from the left. The truth will make you sane, all the bs from the left will make you go insane, guarandamnteed.


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