Jose Canseco Tweets Out His Own Phone Number in Desperate Message To Jennifer Lopez – IOTW Report

Jose Canseco Tweets Out His Own Phone Number in Desperate Message To Jennifer Lopez

Canseco wants to warn her that her brand new fiancée is banging his ex-wife.

You can find his phone number and his angry tweets HERE

9 Comments on Jose Canseco Tweets Out His Own Phone Number in Desperate Message To Jennifer Lopez

  1. Freaken cheap shot. What the hell? Honestly, the only time I ever got hooked on baseball was the bash brothers. And you got to admit both of them were pretty damn good at bat. I think that Earthquake might have really screwed Jose up. Just sayen, he’s not a very good fighter either.

  2. Not mentioning any names, but why is it that Yankee fans assume that everyone else ( or anyone else) in the country cares what the Yankees or ex Yankees are up to? That goes for J Lo too.


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