Journalist Jack Posobiec assaulted by Antifa in front of Emancipation Memorial – IOTW Report

Journalist Jack Posobiec assaulted by Antifa in front of Emancipation Memorial

Antifa and Blm are emotionally damaged, rabid, hyperactive little sub-humans who, at their births, the doctors should have slapped their host mothers.

Post Millennial: One America News journalist Jack Posobiec was assaulted by Antifa insurgents at the demonstration to topple the Emancipation Memorial at Lincoln Park, in Washington DC.

On Friday evening, hundreds of Black Lives Matter activists and Antifa insurgents gathered in Lincoln Park in Washington DC to attempt to topple the 144-year-old statue, which was fully funded by former slaves and black Union Army veterans to commemorate President Lincoln’s abolition of slavery.

Also present at the demonstration were several counter-protestors, including an elderly black man who appeared to be a historical tour guide for Capital Buddy Tours, who beseeched the mob not to tear down the historical monument. The man was physically accosted several times by an Antifa member who attempted to prevent him from speaking.

He was repeatedly shouted over by Antifa members, who yelled empty slogans like “No Justice, No Peace” without any care or understanding about the monument they planned to destroy. One female insurgent stated that the man was “not ready for the change” and that he was standing on the wrong side of history by preventing the monument’s destruction.

Posobiec, who was filming the man’s speech, was blocked by members of Antifa from filming the event, all of which he caught live on Periscope. The situation escalated when a black-clad Antifa insurgent wearing a pair of red ski goggles and bicycle helmet (whom I’ll refer to as Goggles here onward) identified Posobiec and accused him of “founding the alt-lite” and of being a “literal Nazi,” drawing a larger group of Antifa to approach and surround the journalist. MORE HERE

12 Comments on Journalist Jack Posobiec assaulted by Antifa in front of Emancipation Memorial

  1. Again, more screaming post adolescent white women. These cunts are like The Body Snatchers, every week, more of them get their minds taken over by this shit because so many of them are such unbelievably stupid, overindulged little brats who need punches to the face more than any women in history. They want equality? They really should get it.

  2. If either one of my daughters was this stupid (they aren’t) I would be very tempted as their father to turn them over my knee and paddle their liberal butts no matter how old they are and then I would disown them. I raised my daughters and my son right and none of them would ever participate in such nonsense as Antifa. I think my son hates them more than I do, he also has 2 little girls that he and my daughter in law are trying to raise right in an increasingly more and more insane world.


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