Journalist Who Caught Illinois Gov. Pritzker’s Wife Breaking Lockdown Order Sues After Ban – IOTW Report

Journalist Who Caught Illinois Gov. Pritzker’s Wife Breaking Lockdown Order Sues After Ban

Newsmax: A journalist is suing Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker after being barred from the coronavirus press briefings for reporting his wife violated the state’s stay-at-home order when she traveled to a second home in Wisconsin, the Associated Press reported.

Amy Jacobson, a journalist for AM 560 The Answer, broke the story that Pritzker’s wife had visited the family’s equestrian estate in Wisconsin during Illinois’s stay-at-home order. This report comes weeks after the station reported that the Pritzker family had traveled to another home in Florida.

The suit, which was filed by the Liberty Justice Center, requests the court act immediately in allowing Jacobson to attend the briefings again.

“Gov. Pritzker has been in the hot seat over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, and it’s visible from his reactions to Amy Jacobson’s questions that her reporting made him uncomfortable. But what the governor appears to not understand is that Americans have a right to hold their elected officials accountable, and one of the ways they do this is through a vibrant, free press,” said Liberty Justice Center president and co-founder, Patrick Hughes. more

12 Comments on Journalist Who Caught Illinois Gov. Pritzker’s Wife Breaking Lockdown Order Sues After Ban

  1. “But what the governor appears to not understand is that Americans have a right to hold their elected officials accountable…..”

    I think all that’s been changed, I believe that anymore, only the Republicans/Conservatives are to be held accountable. s/

  2. Remember when a judge forced the white house to let acosta back in? That was after Acosta was disruptive.

    There is at least an even chance that the judge in illinois will let the ban stand, even though all she did was report.

    If we don’t creat a mob in this thugocracy, we’ll get crapped on every day.

  3. “… they do this is through a vibrant, free press…”

    …more like a vibratING press whrn it comes to Democrats, as their main purpose seems to be lovingly handjobbing totalitarians until they jizz in the faces of the REST of us, then complain if we try to wipe it off…

  4. This is an active story here in the Chicago area. The tricky part is that Amy Jacobsen is a conservative radio commentator and has spoken at conservative events. So, we also don’t see Hannity or Limbaugh or Carlson or Lemon or Maddow at press conferences. Of course, we DO see hard-left people like Acosta or the New York Times or WaPo asking questions. The weird conclusion is that in deciding whether you can be at a press conference it doesn’t matter at all whether you have a political bias, what matters is having a PRETENSE of having no bias.

  5. “…Pritzker’s wife had visited the family’s equestrian estate in Wisconsin…”

    …just putting this out there that maybe if your governor HAS an “Equestrian Estate” in another part of the country that it’s juuuust possible he isn’t exactly in tune with the issues of people who, you know, WORK for a living?

    …and if the guy gets rich enough to MAINTAIN a horse ranch on a gubenatorial paycheck ($177,412), you MAY just have a SLIGHT corruption issue there, MAYBE…

    …guy can stretch a dollar like no one since Hillary bet $1K on cattle futures and generated $100,000 after 10 months…

    …Democrats. Only corrupt 25 hours a day.

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  7. I’m definitely not used to This, seeing journalism actually being used against a Democrat.
    Jabba Pritzker – The corruption just oozes out of his body.


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