Journalists Have Impaired Higher Brain Functioning – IOTW Report

Journalists Have Impaired Higher Brain Functioning

Business InsiderĀ  Journalists’ brains show a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, according to a new study, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking.


So were they like that before becoming journalists or did a career in journalism make them that way?

12 Comments on Journalists Have Impaired Higher Brain Functioning

  1. The entire industry today is teenage girls.
    Some are 65 with gray hair. Some wear men’s 43L suits and power ties.
    But sadly, they all think and write like teenage girls.

    Interesting study. The academic author seems to think journalists are the only industry that has deadlines or time pressure . She really should get out and meet some ER nurses, airline crews, delivery drivers, fry cooks, dry cleaners, postal carriers, and the other 100 million Americans with constant deadlines who don’t “work” on her college campus.

  2. Both journalism and education degrees exist at the university level to allow dumb people to enter college, ‘pay tuition’ and claim they graduated with a degree! They are simply a money making device used to tap idiots who otherwise could not enroll and compete at the college level!

  3. Headline tomorrow on HuffPo, Bezos’ Blog, and the New York Times, etc.: “Tara Swart is Anti-Semitic” – complete with 6 million anonymous sources saying the identical thing.

  4. So it’s official then.

    Waterheads. A herd of id-dominated waterheads wrangled by malevolent, Bolshevik leaders. But then that defines Leftism and Communism in general, doesn’t it.

  5. From the Article:

    Journalist score high in Abstraction: “…the ability to think outside the box and make connections where others might not see them.”

    Make connections or make up connections? Russia anyone?

  6. I’m curious to see how they report Trump’s spectacular Saudi visit. “Trump wears gawdy necklace” (referring, of course, to highest civilian honor medal Saudi King gave him)

  7. Another case of academia being late to the task of proving what everyone else already knows. Next, research finds average temperatures in winter colder than in summer.

  8. Results indicating lower intelligence are likely due to the toxic effects of hyper-partisanship, lock-step ideology, and their pervasive erroneous belief that they are supposed to “make the news” to change the world.

    Ta-dah…and we have the Fake News Media. Now with ZERO credibility. People just turn them off.

  9. Remember the leathered stringy redhead Reporter (Radditz ?) Who lost it crying on air after trump Victory ?. Looking at Martha I could see she was overwhelmed and lacked an ability to File it Upstairs.

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