Joy Behar ruins every moment of every day – IOTW Report

Joy Behar ruins every moment of every day


Joy Behar Interrupts Meghan McCain’s Tearful Krauthammer Tribute To Slam McConnell.

Meghan McCain was in the middle of an emotional tribute to her former Fox News colleague Charles Krauthammer — who announced late last week that he was dying of cancer — when fellow “The View” cohost Joy Behar interrupted with an attack on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

During Wednesday morning’s show, McCain spoke fondly of Krauthammer, saying, “His voice has been so important because he’s always so fair to Trump supporters and to the never-Trumpers and to everything in between. He was always measured, he was never overly emotional and he really understands the pulse of conservatism. I’m sorry. I feel like God’s giving everybody I love in politics cancer, and I just am going to miss him a lot.”

McCain was praising Krauthammer’s unwavering ability to call both sides, saying that it was hard to be the one in the middle fighting for rational conservatism, when Behar jumped in. MORE

17 Comments on Joy Behar ruins every moment of every day

  1. Syncnotron running at 440 cycles on all cylinders . . .

    On the Metro this AM, I wanted to grab all the Caps jersey-wearing fans & shout, “Don’t you know that the president of the United States just justified the use of concentration camps, summary executions, torture, and mass forced starvation?” Is there something wrong with me?
    — David Corn (@DavidCornDC) June 12, 2018

    “Is there something wrong with me?”
    Why yes. . . Yes there is something wrong with you David ‘Count Cockula’ Corn . . . LOOK IN THE MIRROR !

  2. Nastiness is foreplay to Behar. I don’t believe it’s ok to hit a woman (no matter what Bill Clinton says), but I’d actually look the other way if her boyfriend knocked the snot out of her on occasion.

  3. Juan Williams FOX agrees with Roberto Di Nero’s fuck Trump comment.
    Fuck Juan. Juan should be keel hauled. And dismissed from FOX, Send him back to NPR or whatever shithole he was fired from.

  4. anyone who ever thought anyone named “mccain” was a conservative worth voting for….should be forever banned from voting….

    with the one exception of people who voted AGAINST OBAMA in 2008, not FOR mccain……

  5. plantsman….

    i think the word you’re looking for might be “beschniglecht”…

    pronounced bee..schnig…lecht….

    i have no idea what it means, but i know my german grandad used it a LOT when he was angry..

    as in …..beschniglecht sons of beeches….beschniglecht tax men…….beschniglecht burrocrats……beschniglecht revernuers….

    heard a lot of that, in my yout…..

    luckily, it had no lasting effect on me…lol…….


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