Juanita Broaddrick’s Upcoming Book: “You’d Better Put Some Ice On That” – IOTW Report

Juanita Broaddrick’s Upcoming Book: “You’d Better Put Some Ice On That”

Daily Caller: Juanita Broaddrick is coming out with a new book detailing her rape allegations against former President Bill Clinton.

“The time has come for me to talk about my life and abuse in full,” Broaddrick wrote on Twitter. “I am working on a book with [journalist Nick Lulli] to set the record straight on what Bill Clinton did to me.” 

The book’s title, “You’d Better Put Some Ice On That,” is a reference to what Broaddrick says Clinton told her after he allegedly raped her in an Arkansas hotel room in 1978. The book’s subtitle: “How I survived being raped by Bill Clinton.”

“This is the part that always stays in my mind –”   more here

15 Comments on Juanita Broaddrick’s Upcoming Book: “You’d Better Put Some Ice On That”

  1. I don’t understand the first three comments.
    Of anyone who should get the pleasure of taking down the clinton empire, Juanita Broaddrick and the other women he abused should be the ones. Call it poetic justice, or whatever. I hope he dies a miserable, painful death from some sexually transmitted disease that hollows him out so that the last images America sees of him is a pale, shrunken pock-marked corpse.


    “Republicans are sexist!” –show picture of Bill Clinton
    “War on Women!” –show picture of Ted Kennedy
    “Republicans are racist!” –show picture of Sen. Robert Byrd
    “Republicans hate children!” –picture of abortion
    “Republicans hate the poor!” –picture of Detroit
    “Republicans are Nazis!”–picture of National SOCIALISM
    “Republicans hate the environment!”–picture of communist N.Korea
    “Republicans hate gays!”–picture of Islamists killing gays

    Keep a flip book handy, or have them on your smart phone. No need for words, just pictures, then walk away.

  3. I enjoy a good spanking, and will say that my comments were entirely sarcastic, but at a certain level I am tired of these women trotting out their pain year after year. The whole witch hunt in Washington, though right, is becoming tedious and wearisome and it is on the same track, there comes a point were we all need to move on. Don’t talk to me about “equality” and complain about men when people like Ellen DeGenerate are groping women’s breasts too. The victimhood in all this is disconcerting.

  4. Carter — I think the point is that it’s always the D’s who prey upon incurious voters (let’s face it, that’s the only time they’re interested in talking about social issues) with crying jags and PSA’s about how women are treated — sexually, in hiring/promoting/paying, education opportunities and of course the big one, abortion. But then every one of the D’s “constituent” silos are NEVER permitted to bite the hand that feeds it. Blacks are owned by the D’s, women are owned by the D’s, Hispanics/Latinos are owned by the D’s. Everything is lockstep for life, and if any of them step out of box, they suffer the unholy wrath of their cohort. What we are witnessing is undoubtedly a double edged sword, but it’s a start to the crumbling facade of the D’s monolithic control over a big part of their guaranteed constituency.

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