Judge blocks Seattle law banning police use of pepper spray – IOTW Report

Judge blocks Seattle law banning police use of pepper spray

SEATTLE (AP) — A federal judge late Friday blocked Seattle’s new law prohibiting police from using pepper spray, blast balls and similar weapons that was passed following confrontations with protesters.

The Seattle Times reports that U.S. District Judge James Robart at an emergency hearing granted a request from the federal government to block the new law, which the Seattle City Council passed unanimously last month.

The U.S. Department of Justice, citing Seattle’s longstanding police consent decree, argued that banning the use of crowd control weapons could actually lead to more police use of force, leaving them only with more deadly weapons. more

15 Comments on Judge blocks Seattle law banning police use of pepper spray

  1. I will bet that if any shows report on this, it will be in the context that Biden needs to win in November so he can fix the obviously broken judiciary and remove this out-of-control radical judge.

  2. Anyone ever follow the increasing use of deadly force and weapons by the police back when they started putting girl policemen on patrol duty, in the name of equality, and found out they couldn’t physically subdue criminals so police training then shifted to greater use of weapons so they could?

    I recall one news article I read back in the early 70’s where a girl cop tried to stop a convenience store strong arm robbery and the robber just laughed at her then picked her up and threw her through the plate glass window on the front of the store.

    Unintended consequences?

    And will something similar take place if they ban use of non lethal and less lethal weapons for crowd control now?

  3. I’m all for letting police use their more deadly weapons. It may be the only way to stop the violent brats from throwing their violent tantrums and send a message to the rest of the brats in other cities to behave.

  4. The socialist scum city council wanted the police to not have the means to stop rioters without lethal force. So the riots would continue because our police are more restrained then elsewhere in the world.

    Try to riot in most countries and firehoses, dogs, tear gas, and eventually real bullets get used. This points out the LIE that our police are racist killers. The Seattle City Council is scum.

  5. Wow! Wowser, wow, wow wow.

    An “emergency hearing”? For right wing goon squads.

    I wonder what they’d do if it were loyal citizens? And something as trivial as a Constitutional Amendment?

    Hmm? What? Oh. Never mind.

  6. The same city authorities have no problem with the rioters heaving frozen water bottles, using lasers to blind police, clubs, rocks,chains etc to use against law enforcement.
    Sick pack of creeps.

  7. …banning the use of crowd control weapons could actually lead to more police use of force, leaving them only with more deadly weapons.
    Anybody besides me hoping for this?

    And with regard to the lasers, any officer lit with a laser should be viewed as being actively targeted and appropriate measures taken immediately, up to and including live fire.

  8. The judge signaled that he agrees with the City Council. The order is “very temporary”. That means, I believe, that he will lift the stay when the Council amends the ordinance to also prohibit more lethal methods.


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