Judge Denies Citizenship Claim by U.S.-Born Volunteer from Islamic State – IOTW Report

Judge Denies Citizenship Claim by U.S.-Born Volunteer from Islamic State

Breitbart: A judge has rejected a claim for citizenship by a female Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) member who was born in the United States to a Yemeni diplomat.

The case was brought by an Islamic legal group to win citizenship for Hoda Muthana, who cashed in her eduction funding in 2014 to join the Islamic State jihad group.

“While we are disappointed with and disagree with the court’s ruling today, this is not the end of our client’s legal options,” said Christina Jump, a lawyer with the Constitutional Law Center for Muslims in America. The group’s board includes Khaled Beydoun, who routinely describes critics of Islam as similar to people with paranoia, or “Islamophobic.”

The judge was Reggie Walton at the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia. read more

13 Comments on Judge Denies Citizenship Claim by U.S.-Born Volunteer from Islamic State

  1. “How can a non-citizen have legal options in the US??”

    Because all are children of Gaia and equally deserving of love.

    Except you useless h8r wingnuts, I hope you all die so I can take your stuff, because I am a loving person.

  2. “Maybe therapy lessons. Maybe a process that will ensure that we’ll never do this again.” – Traitor
    I was thinking more along the lines of a stout limb and a 1/2 inch hemp rope.

  3. @old_oaks November 15, 2019 at 11:19 am

    > Just a year or so ago a mayor or other official was ousted for something that offended them.

    “People”!? Who won’t lick the boot, when proffered!? Those animals!

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