Judge Ordered To Take Anger Management After Shocking Defendant in Court – IOTW Report

Judge Ordered To Take Anger Management After Shocking Defendant in Court

NTDWA- A former Maryland judge who ordered a defendant to be physically shocked in his courtroom was sentenced on Thursday to participate in anger management classes and pay a $5,000 fine. Robert C. Nalley of La Plata, Maryland, will also have to spend a year on probation. Nalley, 72, pleaded guilty earlier this year to a civil rights violation for ordering a deputy to activate a “stun-cuff” that a defendant appearing before him was wearing around his ankle. The defendant, who was acting as his own lawyer, was before Nalley in July 2014 for jury selection and had failed to listen to Nalley’s orders to stop speaking. After he was shocked, the defendant fell to the ground screaming.

Shocking video (literally) after jump—>

more of the story

12 Comments on Judge Ordered To Take Anger Management After Shocking Defendant in Court

  1. What? The Deputy didn’t have a gun? Same result, but without all that annoying screaming.

    Those stun cuffs should be mandatory equipment in political debates.

    “Time’s Up! Zaaap!” 🙂

  2. This is my hometown. Judge Nalley is quite the character. He also deflated someone’s tires for (repeatedly, I think) parking in his reserved spot. I’ve always liked him.

  3. Can we make this a standard “feature” for all lawyers, politicians and judges? Of course the controls should be in the hands of ordinary citizens that are negatively impacted by the corrupt, unlawful decisions made by these jerks. It might be a way to finally get the politicians to agree to term limits.

  4. This is just another example of the BLM movement. Mouslims shitting on our court system and getting away with it. Why put. the stun cuff on the bastard if it can’t be used?. He was disrupting the Court. The judge shut him up. Case closed.

  5. I’m kind of surprised at some of the comments. This Judge was warned before hand that the defendant would probably be disruptive and should have had a plan that didn’t include stunning him. Maybe contempt of court with a few days in the county slam each time he ignores the Judges order or perhaps either gagging him or having him appear through camera from the jail instead of in person. With a guilty plea/verdict it kind of strikes me that a civil suit against the Judge and County was a given but I didn’t see any mention of one in the story.

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