Judge Removes Foster Baby From Lesbian Household – IOTW Report

Judge Removes Foster Baby From Lesbian Household


He wants the kid in a household headed by heterosexual parents. It’s causing, as you may surmise, a bit of a kerfuffle.

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13 Comments on Judge Removes Foster Baby From Lesbian Household

  1. Slate (a left wing blog) in 2013 published info about a study that shows children do not do as well in same sex households as heterosexual households “on measures of social, emotional, and psychological adjustment as well as educational attainment, employment history, need for public assistance, substance abuse, and criminal justice system involvement”

    This study also revealed that other studies which found differently used too small a sample to be relevant or other inconsistencies.

    New Family Structures Study (NFSS),

    http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2012/06/gay_parents_are_they_really_no_different_.single.html JUNE 11 2012

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