Judge sentences Roger Stone to 40 months in prison for obstructing Congress’ Russia investigation – IOTW Report

Judge sentences Roger Stone to 40 months in prison for obstructing Congress’ Russia investigation

USA Today-

WASHINGTON — Roger Stone, a longtime friend and ally of President Donald Trump, was sentenced Thursday to 40 months in prison and two years of probation, a punishment that is likely to fuel criticism from the president and speculation that he’ll pardon the flamboyant GOP operative. 

Though less than what prosecutors originally asked for before the Justice Department overruled them, the sentence marks a stunning downfall for the longtime political consultant who has advised presidential campaigns stretching back to Richard Nixon. 

Stone, 67, was found guilty in November of lying to the House Intelligence Committee and obstructing its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential race. He also was convicted of threatening a potential congressional witness. 

21 Comments on Judge sentences Roger Stone to 40 months in prison for obstructing Congress’ Russia investigation

  1. This has to play out before President Trump can grant a pardon. If a mistrial is declared, the whole rotten mess will be exposed, and Roger Stone might not even be prosecuted a second time. He could get the second trial moved from the District of Corruption, or cop a plea for a suspended sentence to avoid another trial. Those prejudiced jurors need to be fully exposed before this is put to bed.

  2. The House Intelligence Committee appears to be lacking in any real intelligence. How did they know Stone was lying about something that didn’t occur?

  3. No matter how you are thinking about this, pay attention to the lesson to be learned here:

    You’re far more likely to get in trouble for what you say than you are for what you don’t say.

  4. That skank judge insisted on passing sentence despite the appeal. She wanted to make sure she got him behind bars.

    Flucking pig deserves to do some time herself….and I hope she does.

  5. I got a call today from a democrat family member. I have a few that are democrats, but not totally batshit crazy, but we still don’t talk politics because for one they are never informed about anything and for two it’s the only way to keep peace. Now there are others, the batshit crazy ones that we don’t even speak anymore.

    Anyway, this one calls me and asks who Roger Stone is. So I tell them and give them the entire background and all the bullshit it has been and is.

    Then the family member who has been a registered democrat for 50 years says, “I watched some of the democrat debate last night and those people running for President are crazy. I’m not going to vote for any of them. All of my kids and grandkids and friends have changed their registration to Republican. My friend who works for the county election board told me that for the first time in history there are now more registered Republicans in the county than democrats.”
    So I tell her that is because people are finally opening their eyes and ears and realizing democrats are nothing more than the mentally insane who are the socialist/communist party now. I did also give her a piece of advice and that was to go ahead and vote for Bernie in the primary just to mess with the democrat party.

  6. Tim@

    I never thought of it that way, “How do you obstruct a hoax?”

    Is it not a duty to stop the perpetuation of a lie.

    So therefore, co-operating with a lie, is a lie and obstructing a lie is binging forth the truth.

    Great call Tim.

    It is also amazing that there was no mistrial with the jury forepersons political & public profiles. Never mind the judge’s incompetence.


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