Judge threatens sanctions against Hunter Biden legal team for allegedly misleading court clerk – IOTW Report

Judge threatens sanctions against Hunter Biden legal team for allegedly misleading court clerk

JTN– Hunter Biden’s legal team faced scrutiny on Tuesday from a Delaware U.S. District Judge set to decide on his plea deal over an alleged trick to prevent the inclusion of an amicus brief from the House Ways and Means Committee in the court record.

Delaware U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika gave the first son’s attorneys until 9 p.m. EST to “show cause as to why sanctions should not be considered for misrepresentations to the Court,” the New York Post reported.

The first son is expected to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax crimes and a gun violation that could later be dismissed as part of a plea agreement reached with federal prosecutors. That deal has come under scrutiny from Republicans who deem it too lenient and the House committee filed an amicus brief with the court alleging that the first son benefited from “political interference which calls into question the propriety of the investigation.” more

12 Comments on Judge threatens sanctions against Hunter Biden legal team for allegedly misleading court clerk

  1. “Delaware U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika gave the first son’s attorneys until 9 p.m. EST to” [ask for the number to her offshore bank account] more likely.

    Fuck all this Hunter shit, lets get the Big Guy.

  2. “…two misdemeanor tax crimes and a gun violation that could later be dismissed…”

    So the serial felon’s slap on the wrist turns into a perfunctory wave of the ruler in the general area of his hand. And don’t tell me he “could” skate. It’s a done deal. But you go after them dirty lawyers real hard, judge tough guy. Make ‘em squirm, as they laugh up their sleeves at you.

    Hunter will never serve a day in prison or pay a fine bigger than his child support payments. Assuming he even pays child support. And that prediction includes any upcoming legal difficulties yet to make it to court. He’ll die from drug abuse first. Hopefully soon. Tired of his shit.

  3. Republicans send a strongly worded letter, Judge Threatens the Attorneys of Hunter Biden.
    Hunter’s plea bargain approved by Judge.
    Hunter walks, partys all night with a couple of DC Prostitutes with the bag of cocaine secret squirrel service returned to him.

  4. Trumps lawyers are Prosecuted for being his lawyers. Hunter Biden’s Lawyers IMPERSAONATE Republican House staffers and have EVIDENCE REMOVED from a CRIMINAL CASE and they are NOT even removed as his lawyers. If Trump’s lawyers would have tried that they would be disbarred and prosecuted for evidence tampering.


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