Judge Tosses Junk Terrorism Charges against 3 Defendants in Whitmer Plot Where Ring Leader Was FBI Informant – IOTW Report

Judge Tosses Junk Terrorism Charges against 3 Defendants in Whitmer Plot Where Ring Leader Was FBI Informant

Station Gossip-

This didn’t make many headlines back in October…
The ring leader in the plot to kidnap wretched Governor Gretchen Whitmer was an FBI informant.
He was planted into the group and was the one who pushed the entire plan.

The FBI was spying on lower, middle-class Americans and setting them up on terrorism charges.

The FBI then later arrested one of their own informants in the plot,

This was occurring as Antifa-BLM rioted and pillaged cities across the US. more

6 Comments on Judge Tosses Junk Terrorism Charges against 3 Defendants in Whitmer Plot Where Ring Leader Was FBI Informant

  1. Whitmer deserves tar-and-feathering, as well as being run out of office on a rail. As much as I detest her she doesn’t deserve an extra-judicial killing. I personally favor life without parole (and the public humiliation that would accompany the trial and imprisonment) for violating the constitution and thereby, citizen’s rights tyrant. If only the courts would enforce this.


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