Judicial Watch Files FOIA Law Suit Against Secret Service For Destruction Of Biden “Altercation” Records – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Files FOIA Law Suit Against Secret Service For Destruction Of Biden “Altercation” Records

Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for records that the Secret Service claims to have destroyed related to a reported physical altercation between a Secret Service Agent and Joe Biden at a photo op in 2009 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:20-cv-02457)).

The lawsuit was filed after the Secret Service failed to respond to a July 14, 2020 administrative appeal challenging its claim that all files related to the 2009 altercation, “ha[d] been destroyed,” due to “retention standards.” More

Tom Fitton explaining the importance of this story. Watch

6 Comments on Judicial Watch Files FOIA Law Suit Against Secret Service For Destruction Of Biden “Altercation” Records

  1. Tara Reade is not unavailable for comment, but she won’t be interviewed by any of Obiden’s handmaidens. This incident shows a pattern of behavior that confirms Dementia Joe isn’t all that different from lots of egotistical politicians. Only 58 more days to root out the other victims of Joe Obiden Bama’s creepy fingers.

  2. I think former SS agent and GF should come forward.
    You can’t tell me that the agent and gf don’t have copies of the incident report they had to fill out. They have whistles. Start the blowing.


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